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It is pouring rain by the time the sun rises, and I eat some blueberry pancakes drizzled with a little animal blood. I like to have a little blood with my breakfast, because I only crave very little. My green eyes watch as the heavy rain points the driveway as I eat my final bite, and lick the blood off the plate.

"Such a beautiful day." I say, smiling.

I get into Emmett's jeep, because he's done made it clear that he's my ride to and from school, no matter how much I protest. The roof of his Jeep is already up, because I can still get sick. I just don't stay sick long.


"Hey, Bella!" I greet as I join my friends in the parking lot at school.

"Hey, Logan." Bella greets tensely. "Where is Edward?"

"He's.... Out of town, for a few days..." I reply slowly, not a big fan of her curiosity. "Visiting family."

"Okay," Bella replies. "I'll see you at lunch, Logan."

"Long night?" Jessica asks as a sigh escapes my throat.

"Kinda," I shrug. "Along with Bella's nosiness about Edward, I guess I'm irritable today."

Marcus Volturi's Point Of View

I leave my chambers and find everyone else in the throne room, leaving me alone in the halls and alone in my thoughts. My thoughts of Didyme, and second mates. I believe in them, although they are impossible.

Aro says they are rare, but not impossible. He and Caius have seen it happen before, before I came along. I'm the youngest of the coven, and Caius is the oldest.

"You have finally joined us, brother!" Caius chants as I emerge through the doors, and enter the throne room. "Come, feed. Let's celebrate, no criminals in a day."

I join them as Caius passes me a plump human, her gray eyes staring at me- pleading for me not to kill her.

"I'm sorry." I apologize before I head off her without hesitation.

Logan's Point Of View
Bella has kept me on edge today, all throughout the school day. She got so bad at lunch, I had to sit with my family across the room. Jessica was annoyed by that, because I actually get along with her.

Emmett finds my annoyance with the full human hilarious, of course. Emmett finds humor in just about anything, unless it comes to the Volturi.

As weird as it might sound, I actually get a warm and fuzzy feeling when any of the family mentions that title, or he name of one member. Marcus. Marcus is the youngest of the three royals, being born in 1350 BC. Aro was born in 1300 bc, and Caius was born before that.

The actual actual member of the royal coven in Italy is Jane. Jane is a blonde haired vamoire with dark crimson eyes, as Carlisle described her. She's about Alice's height, and my small weight. Her blonde hair is always kept up in a right bun, which is creepy in my eyes. I'd hate to meet Jane, I can already tell.

Then there's her twin brother, Alec Volturi. He has Shaggy hair, sandy brown in color. His eyes are also a dark crimson, and he stands at my height, which a a tad bit taller than Jane. He can steal what makes you you with his black smoke, which comes out of the tips of his fingers.

With each description of each member, I'm terrified to meet them. Aro and Caius are the two who enforce the rules, and makes sure each vampire criminal pays for their crimes. Caius is the most mean. Marcus.... Is emotionless, apparently. Carlisle says his mate, Didyme, was murdered in the castle.

"Logan!" Emmett tells, snapping his finger in my face, the sun has set and the moon has risen. "You back with us?"

"Y-yeah, sorry about that." I reply, instantly regretting my stutter.

I stutter everytime I think of the Volturi, and my warm and fuzzy feeling is back.

"You was thinking of the Voturi again, weren't you?" Carlisle asks, he's studying me as he hands me a glass of animal blood. "Drink it, Logan."

I gulp down the blood without hesitation. "Yes, I was thinking about them again."

"Still feel warm and fuzzy at the thought, weirdly?" Edward asks.

"Oddly, yes." I reply. "That still confuses me."

"Yah, us too." Carlisle replies. "Maybe your vampire mate is over there."

Emmett steps in. "Nope. I won't allow it."

"Emmett, you can't be the over protective brother if she finds her mate." Esme coos. "You and I both know it."

"You're her actual mom," Emmett points out.

"And I know what it's like having a mate." Esme says, smiling at me. "I hope she finds her mate, and soon."

"I do, too." Jasper replies cooly from the couch. "He won't care who her family is. He will care for her, or she. They won't care he's a hybrid. Like us, we don't care because you're family, Logan."

I nod, and I stare out the window. I rest my head on Rosalie's shoulder, and I wonder who my mate actually is...
Marcus Volturi's Point Of View

"What is it, Chelsea?" Aro Asís, the vampire has interrupted the celebration- she is rather good at that.

"I have caught word, from a vampire in Washington." Chelsea speaks, her red eyes dark with hunger~ the poor creature hasn't fed in days. "There is a hybrid, she is nineteen and living with the Cullen's in Forks."

"Hybrid?" Aro says, astonished. "Human and vampire?"

"As far as I was told, yes." Chelsea responds, clasping her hands together.

"I will call Carlisle tomorrow, and ask for a visit from this hybrid." Aro says.

"Aro, sir, the hybrid is Italian." Chelsea adds. "She was born in Florence, a little over a year ago."

"A year to morphe into nineteen years old? Caius speaks, finally. "Mm, cannot wait to meet the creature."

I stare at Chelsea as she begins feeling uneasy, and I feel eyes on the side of my head.

"Are you alright, brother?" Aro asks, as he continues looking at me.

"I'm fine." I respond, lying easily.

I'm far from fine with Didyme on the mind....

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