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Logan's Point Of View

"Wait, Alice, repeat that!" I declare as I let her brush out my long brown tangles, it has been a matter of twelve whole months since Carlisle and Esme adopted me, Carlisle learned I'm a hybrid, and I've stopped aging at nineteen. 

"Edward's blood singer starts our school tomorrow." Alice says, sounding very perky.

Alice gets excited when it comes to Mondays, unlike the others in the family. Alice and I both enjoy being around humans. I'm friends with a group of humans at school. Jessica Stanley, Angela Webber, Mike Newton, Eric Yorkie, Tyler Crowley, and Tyler's girlfriend Lauren.

The two of the siblings I'm closest to are Jasper and Emmett. Jasper is the newest to the animal blood diet, and Emmett is a big goof ball. Jasper was hesitant at be when Esme first introduced me.

They've let me just keep Santiago. I didn't want the struggle of too many names. I remained Logan Grave Santiago. Carlisle and Esme were perfectly okay with it.

They are still studying hybrids, and get confused each time I develope a new trait. I've actually gained all my hybrid traits, I even have a vampire ability. My gift is the same as Edward's, I can read minds.

"Knowing Eric and Mike, they'll bring Edward's blood singer to our table." I say, smiling. "I'm excited to meet her."

"Of course you are." Alice muses, seeing an annoyed Rosalie. "Rosalie isn't happy, because she knows Bella will learn the secret."

"Bella her name?" I smile. "Bellissimo." I say I'm Italian, since I am Italian.

"You're too smart for your own good, Logan." Rosalie says, with another sigh. "No wonder Emmett is fond of you."

"There's that, and the fact he could not beat me at an arm wrestling match." I remind her.

"Don't go telling everyone about my defeat to a hybrid." Emmett scowls, messing up my hair.

"Emmett!" Alice squeaks. "I just brushed that!"

"Oops?" Emmett muses, shrugging with a laugh before Alice runs after him.

Jasper grabs the brush and sits behind me. "I love how long your hair is, Logan."

"I do too, Jasper." I reply. "I'm glad you finally came around."

"Me too, to be honest." Jasper replies as he braids my hair, he watches Alice with my hair too much. "Why did you have Alice braid this?"

"I don't know...." I mumble, suddenly confused about why I had Alice braid my hair. "You braided it, though...."

"I know that, Logan." Jasper says with a sigh as o standard up, dusting off my black spandex shorts. "But you asked Alice to, for some mysterious reason."

"Guess I just wanted it braided." I shrug right as Emmett flashes in, laughing. "She catch you?"

"Yes, in my usual hunting spot." Emmett replies, she found Esme."

I go downstairs, and I grab our some yogurt and granola. I make myself a mini yogurt thing with granola, and I eat my afternoon snack.

Marcus Volturi's Point Of View

Felix, Caius, and Demitri stand with a rule breaking vampire. My distaste of this place is for this exactly, they do not hesitate to punish a vampire by death by breaking the simple rules.

Aro Kooks pleased, instead of repulsed. He clasps his hands together as he watches the three Volturi members rip the criminal to pieces. I watch as well, emotionlessly.

This is nothing for new here. The Volturi don't give second chances. It has been this way for centuries. You don't change no one, you don't kill for joy, and you keep our species a secret from the humans. The rules are really quite simple.

The crooks of the vampire world are punished, by death. I believe in locking them away, prison. Aro and Caius don't. They believe the vampire will commit crimes from inside the cast iron bars in the dungeon cells.

Athenadora and Sulpicia stands as still as statues, watching their husbands / mates kill the criminal. My mate was murdered, centuries ago. I'm unaware happened, but Aro seems to. He should, she was his sister. I believe in second chances, second mates. They're rare, but they happen.

"Are you alright, brother?" Aro asks after Felix burns the criminals body.

I just nod, not up for speaking as I watch the vampire body burn in the center of the room.

Logan's Point Of View

I let my braid loose, and the curls flow lazily down my back. The trees sway as the gentle breeze blows, and the sun begins to set as the moon begins to rise. My green eyes grow heavy, telling me it's my night to sleep.

I don't sleep every night; usually once a week? I enter my room, and I climb into my comfy bed. My eyes close as soon as my head hits the pillow, and sleep finds me instantly.

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