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Carlisle Cullen's Point Of View

I stand on the balcony with Esme, and we watch everyone leave. Much like every morning, Emmett insists that Logan rides with him. Emmett is like that annoying, over protective brother. Logan loves that he is like that, no matter she acts otherwise.

The phone from the kitchen rings, pulling me from my thoughts. That is when I notice that Esme is no longer beside me. Sighing, I flash to the kitchen and pick up the phone.

"Cullen residence." I say before I notice Esme walking downstairs, in those shorts that drive me crazy.

"Mister Cullen, how long has it been?" The chilling Greek voice fills my ear, causing my eyes widen. "Too long, is how long."

"Aro." I say slowly, and Esme suddenly looks concerned. "Why call me?"

"Chelsea heard of a hybrid living at your place." The chilling voice says, again. "I wish to meet the creature."

"I'll send her after school." I say, only hoping they won't harm her. "As long as I know she is safe there."

"She will be safe, Carlisle." Aro assures me. "I hope to meet her soon."

I put the phone down, and look at my wife. "Text the kids, Logan too. Tell them."

Esme nods before she kisses me, as I fall againstvthe wall. Esme smiles at me before she sends the text.

Logan's Point Of View
I literally just ready the text Esme send, the warm and fuzzy feelings are back. She sent the same text to the rest of us, too. The Volturi wants to meet me. My plane leaves after school.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Emmett asks, for the twentieth time.

"No, but Aro is kind of the vampire boss." I reply. "I have no choice."

"You'll miss the greenhouse trip, the day after Edward returns." Jasper says.

"I know." I reply with a sigh. "Don't remind me."

Marcus Volturi's Point Of View

"Carlisle is getting the girl on a plane when school lets out." Aro says.

"The creature is a female?" Caius questions.

Aro nods. "Carlisle had me promise she'd be safe, so she will be safe and unharmed. Got it?"

"No worries from me." I reply, he knows I mean no harm to the harmless creature. "She could have fought to meet us, but did she?"

"No, probably not." Aro replies.

"She's smart." Jane replies, her voice monotone as usual. "Not fighting against your invitation."

"Very smart, indeed." Caius replies with a hum. "We meet the creature tomorrow, early. Marcus, you will be in here, yes?"

"She must meet us all." I speak smoothly, no emotions at all. "So yes, I will be here."

"I will have Chelsea feed," Alec speaks up. "Since she brought us this information."

"Go on," Aro says with a genuine smile. "Thank her for me, while you're at it."

"I will." Alec says before he leaves the room.

"He won't." Aro saya as he sits back. "That is fine. I'm not concerned about him. I'm concerned of our visitor who is coming, she needs to be unharmed, as I said."

"And she won't be." Caius says. "CHELSEA!"

The vampire comes flashing in, flattening her dress after a teaming sexual activity with Felix. "Yes, sir?"

"Go get the name of this creature, and you can feed." Caius says.

Chelsea eyes Caius before she flashes out, she is starved. Alec didn't go to see her; he went to his little mate, Karla. (please play along)

Logan's Point Of View

At lunch, I stare at at the text from Esme again. I'm going to Volterra? Aro had found out about me, ND invited me to meet them. It would be incredibly stupid to fight it.

"You're nervous." Jasper says, feeling my emotions. 

I shrug, not really feeling up to speaking. My green eyes look at each member of my family, locking with Emmett's. He has reassurance in his eyes, trying to convince me I'll be okay in Italy. I haven't been in Italy since I looked seen, months ago.

Bella is staring over here, causing my annoyance to find me again. She is still looking for Edward. He hasn't even spoken to her, and she acts as if he is all her world revolves around.

"Rose, Bella is getting annoying with all her staring." I say.

"Believe me Logan, I understand." Rosalie says.

"Be nice, glyou two." Alice scolds. "She loves him."

"Alice, hasn't hasn't even spoken to Bella yet." I say, rolling my eyes. "She doesn't even know what his voice sounds like."

Marcus Volturi's Point Of View

Aro is still talking about the female hybrid, now he is making sure the castle is spotless. Margery, put vamoire maid, has been working non-stop without a feed.

"Margery." I say, causing her to freeze as she moos the throne room stones, the floor. "Vieni e dai da mangiare, prenditi una pausa."

Margery smiles in relief, she feared I would yell. I step off the throne area, and I bring a plump male to our vampire made from Brazil.  She eyes me before I nod, and she feeds off the man as if she is nearly starved. Aro and Caius never feed the help.

"Ora lavora, prima che gli altri ritornino." I demand.

As soon as Margery begins cleaning again, Aro and Caius enter. They've heard me, but said nothing. They know I feed the help when they aren't around. Aro actually appreciates it.

Logan's Point Of View

I stare at the airplane, as Esme hands me my luggage. I sigh before I walk through security, not bothering to say bye. Emmett and and I have our farewells after school, before Esme picked me up.

I have a seat in coach, and put my ear buds in. I listen to some Italian music, to prepare myself for my new destination.

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