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The next day after I'm dressed, I go out to my white Volvo and I drive myself to La Push. I park in front of Billy's house, and I know on the door once I make it up the ramp.

"Logan!" Billy smiles. "Come in."

"Is Jacob in his room?" I ask as I step inside the cozy home. "I came to check on him, then I'm going to Sam's to visit the rest of the pack."

"Go on, Jake should be awake." Billy replies work a smile.

I walk past Billy, and easily find Jacob's room. The young wolf smiles when he sees me, and motions for me to have a seat on the edge of his bed. I do as told, and I have a seat.

"You healing alright?" I question.

"Should be up and more my energetic self by sunrise tomorrow." Jacob says teasingly. "I appreciate you stopping by just to check on little ole me."

"Of course." I respond. "I'm heading to Sam's, to visit the rest of the pack."

"Lahote will love that." Jacob says Sherry I carefully hug him. "He seems to like you pretty good."

"I'm not a Cullen, and I'm not full vampire." I wink before going out to my car.

Sam's house is about ten minutes away from Billy's, and I find Emily watering the plants on the beautiful porch Sam's father built on. Sam told me the stories.

"Hello, Logan." Emily greets, wearing her usual smile. "Sam is gone, but Paul is inside."

I skip inside, and I plop in Paul's lap. Rachel, his imprint, laughs at Paul's horrified face. Where I am light on my feet, I scared Paul when I say in his lap.

"Seriously, Logan?" Paul grumbles. "Did you have to sneak up on me?".

"Of course I do, silly." I muse. "You're my doggy friends."

"Don't call my doggy, please." Paul mumbles before he relaxes, leaving me in his lap.

"Did you check on Jacob, by any chance?" Rachel asks. "I didn't think to before I left the house."

"He should be as good as new by sunrise tomorrow." I reply. "Saw him right before I drive over here."

"Come and practice fighting with me." Jared says as he walks in. "C'mon Logan, kick some doggy butt."

I give my purse, scarf, and jacket to Paul before I meet Jared in Sam's backyard. I crack my knuckles before I crouch down in fighting mode. I flash over, and I flip Jared over. I hold my hand over his throat so he doesn't get loose, and Jared looks in my eyes pleadingly.

I snap my hand back and I stand, dusting my knees off. Someone swipes me off my feet from behind; I look up and find Paul smirking down at me. I jump up and land on my feet, and I throw Paul across the yard. I flash over and Paul flips me, holding me like I held Jared~ by the throat.

Paul's smirk falters as I lift my feet up, and kick him off. He dusts himself off and he smiles. Sam comes out, and he smiles at the three of us.

"I saw that fight with Paul, good job Logan." Sam says as everyone goes inside. "You're good."

Author's Point Of View

Sam Uley watches as Logan practice fights with Paul, building her strength. He's glad to have met the hybrid, she's strong and is allowed on the reservation.

The alpha wolf steps onto the back porch, smiling at the two creatures. Logan and Paul soon join him inside.

"I saw that fight with Paul, good job Logan." Sam says. "You're good."

Carlisle Cullen walks into the house after a long shift at the hospital, and Jasper informed him about Logan's going to La Push. Carlisle loves how open Logan is, how willing she is to be friends with both species.

"Logan is so open." Carlisle says to nobody in particular, and Esme smiles.

"I love that about her." Esme says to her husband, and wraps herself in his arms. "How open she is, and how she doesn't let the treaty stop her from being friends with the pack of wolves in La Push. It's admirable, to be honest."

"I agree." Alice Cullen says, listening to the conversation.
Logan's Point Of View

I leave Sam's after eating a normal meal, with no blood. I drive my car back home, and I park beside Edward's Volvo. My eyes scan the yard, and I sigh heae I hear silence. Everybody is here, but they're just remaining silent.

I close the car doors behind me, and I go inside the house. Jasper is talking quietly with Alice, the others are all in a comfy silence. Edward is gone, probably visiting Bella. She probably drive here, because his car is parked out front.

When I realize nobody is speaking to me, I go upstairs. I lock myself alone in my room, and I lock my door behind me. I fall into my bed, flat on my back. I stare at the ceiling as my eyes grow heavy. I guess tonight is my sleeping night.

My green eyes close as the tiredness hits me hard, and sleep consumes me quicker than normal.

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