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Alice's vision

It's January, and I am say in a tree over the clearing. The Volturi are all lined up on one of the clearing, and the Cullen's and their witnesses on the other end. My eyes grow sad as I spot Marcus, he called things quits on Christmas.

Alice and Jasper leave the trees, causing me to perk up. Two people follow them, a human and a boy with the same heartbeat I did as a hybrid. My eyes focus on the boy, and I grin. This is the perfect witness from Alice, of course. I'm sure Jasper agrees.

Aro smiles as he spots Alice. "Ah Alice, you're here after all! Isnt that wonderful?"

Alice places her hand in Aro's, and she closed her eyes. "It doesn't matter what I show you. You won't change your decision."

Just then, Felix and Demitri grab Alice by her arms. She fights against them but they get her under control, barely.

"Take her away." Aro tells the two guards.

"LET HER GO!!!" Carlisle exclaims before he takes off running to the other end of the clearing.

Carlisle and Aro jump up at the same time, going straight for each other. Aro grabs Carlisle, and I see Carlisle's body drop. As Aro lands, he holds up Carlisle's decapitated head. I gasp as Esme screams, and that's when the family runs forward.

I stand, staring down as the fights get heavy. I see Benjamin cause a huge crack along the middle f the clearing, making me glad I'm in a tree.

End of Alice's vision

It's January, and I am say in a tree over the clearing. The Volturi are all lined up on one of the clearing, and the Cullen's and their witnesses on the other end. My eyes grow sad as I spot Marcus, he called things quits on Christmas.

Alice and Jasper leave the trees, causing me to perk up. Two people follow them, a human and a boy with the same heartbeat I did as a hybrid. My eyes focus on the boy, and I grin. This is the perfect witness from Alice, of course. I'm sure Jasper agrees.

Aro smiles as he spots Alice. "Ah Alice, you're here after all! Isnt that wonderful?"

Alice places her hand in Aro's, and she closed her eyes. Aro looks terrified as Alice removes her hand from his.

"Now you see, that is what happens if you decided to fight." Alice speaks, smirking.

"Very well," Aro speaks, none of the Volturi knows I'm here. "There will be no fight. I'll be checking in."

That's when I jump down, causing Aro's eyes to widen as I land beside Alice. Jasper smiles over at me as I look at Aro.

"How's it going, Aro?" I ask, before sending Marcus a glance to find him watching intently.

"Logan, you're still a Volturi." Aro says.

"Not according to the annulment Marcus signed for me." I say. "It is as if the marriage never happened; I am a Santiago, again, and forever will be."

"Really, Marcus?" Aro asks with a sigh. "I still see. You as a Volturi, Logan. Have a good life in Forks, but visit me."

"Visit me, also." Caius says, surprising me. "Be careful with those Romanians."

"Considering I'm with Vladimir, nothing will happen to me." I say, looking back at the blonde haired vamoire.

I flash over to Vladimir, whom has joined our coven along with Stefan. Vladimir kisses the top of my head and we leave the clearing together. We all head back to the Cullen place, and chat about our defeat.

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