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When my green eyes flutter open, I find Emmett watching me with a creepy grin on his face. After physically rolling my eyes, I get out of bed and reluctantly get dressed.

"Nice choice in outfits." Emmett says.

"I'm making a new friend today," I say, "according to Alice, Bella starts today."

"She isn't one of us, Logan." Emmett reminds me as we go to his Jeep.

"I'm aware; but to be technical, neither am I." I remind him, I'm part vampire / part human.

"Oh Logan, you're vampire part makes you one of us." Emmett says as he watches me climb into his large vehicle.

"And the human part makes me one of her." I point out before fastening my seatbelt. "Just shut up Emmett, before this mini argument turns heated."

Emmett is like that over-protective older brother, the nagging one who never leaves you alone. He wants me safe, he wants me healthy, and he wants me happy. I'm glad Emmett is this way, but I like his easy going side better.

"Santiago!" Mike Newton hoots as I join my human friends in the school parking lot, at Tyler's van. "You've arrived!"

A red looking truck pulls up beside Tyler's van, cutting me off before I can reply. I find the girl I saw on Alice's vision. Edward's mate? A smile reaches my face as I lean against Tyler's van.

"Nice ride!" Tyler calls, causing me to elbow him in the ribs.

"Thanks." The girl says tensely before she hurriedly walks past us.

"Why'd you elbow me, Logan?" Tyler grumbles."That hurt!"

"Be nice to the new girl, Tyler." I scold.

"I was trying to be funny, Tyler comments, earning at eye roll from Mike and Jessica.

"I'm headed in, I have history." I say. "Ciao, per ora."

I enter the school with Angela beside me, because I share history with her and Jasper. Eric had probably went to find Bella, to help her feel welcome. He's on the paper, it's his job to try finding stories. He is gonna torture the poor human.
I see Mike approaching the lunch table with Bella, who looks a tad more comfortable than this morning. Mike pulls out a plastic chair beside me, and Bella sits before Mike pulls over a chair from a random table.

"I see you've met my homegirl, Bella." Eric comments, chewing up the bite he just took of a red apple.

"Your homegirl?" Mike questions goofily.

"No. My girl." Tyler smirks as he kisses Bella's cheek and steals Mike's cheek.

Tyler is bolting out of the cafeteria as soon as he sees Mike getting up quickly, and Mike chases behind him. Jessica has a look of pure jealousy on her face.

"You're like the new toy...." Jessica comments, totally jealous.

Angela takes Jess off topic, and begins gossiping about the skinny guys in the Mathematics class they share. Jessica's eyes light up at the sound of gossip, and she jumps right in.

"Who are they?" Bella asks, noticing my Vampire siblings. This will be good.

"The Cullen's." Angela replies, cutting her eyes towards me.

"They're doctor and Mrs Cullen's foster kids." Jessica replies, totally forgetting I'm sitting here. "They moved down her a few years ago, from Alaska."

"They kinda keep to themselves." I say, and Jessica giggles at me.

"Yeah, 'cause they're all together, line together~together." Jessica shudders, causing me to laugh. "The blonde, that's Rosalie. And the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure it's legal."

"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela says, rolling her eyes at our dramatic friend.

"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird." Jessica says. "And okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice, she's really weird. And she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain." Jessica says as she watches the two pass, then they join Emmett and Rosalie.. "Doctor Cullen is like this foster dad slash matchmaker."

"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela comments, earning a laugh from me.

"Who's he?" Bella asks as Edward enters the cafeteria, alone.

"Edward Cullen, totally gorgeous obviously." Jessica replies dreamily. "But apparently, nobody here is good enough for him. Like I care, ya know? Seriously, don't waste your time.".

Bella slowly looks behind us, and her eyes focus on Edward. "Wasn't planning on it."

Even though I can't read her mind, I know those two will quickly fall in love. My green eyes focus on Bella before I hear Edward's thoughts.

I cannot bare to be around we. Not yet. I have to hunt. For a week, a week should do me good.

"So Bella, where are you from again?" I ask, starting up my own conversation.

"I'm from Port Angeles, but I lived in Arizona for a long time." Bella replies, as Jessica chats with Eric and Angela.

Edward leaves for his hunt that night, and I sit on the long clue couch. Jasper is reading from a thick history book while Emmett is reading a comic book. Carlisle is at the hospital, and Esme is making me some food. She loves having a hybrid around who eats human food.
Marcus Volturi's Point Of View.

I watch Aro and Sulpicia have a deep conversation, while Caius stares straight ahead. Athenadora has returned to their chambers, after our most recent feed.

My emotions are gone, have been since I failed at my suicide after Didyme was murdered. My emotions vanished as I found her body. I watched her burn, so she wouldn't come back.

Chelsea walks in, leading a group of humans. Aro and Caius hadn't eaten, I fed with their wives. Aro's eyes grow hungry as he smells the blood, as does Caius. I stand, and I leave the throne room. I return to my chambers, and I look at an old picture of Didyme and myself.

"Mi manchi amore mio." I speak softly, looking at her face. "Vorrei che Aro mi avesse lasciato morire, stare con te."

My eyes stare at the picture of Didyme, my mate and also Aro's sister... She was murdered in the castle, while I was away.

"Vorrei che Aro mi avesse lasciato morire, stare con te." I say, really wishing I had saved her.

I close my eyes, and I sit on the stone chair Athenadora put in front of my vanity that Sulpicia thought made a great addition to my chambers. Unable to control my mind, Didyme comes to mind and a smile rises.

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