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A week later.

When the light of the world comes back around, I am out of the water and in my bed. Marcus's red eyes light up at the sight of my being awake.

"I love your eyes in red, Logan." Marcus muses.

"My throat burns, Marcus." I gasp, feeling the intense burning of hunger.

Marcus pulls me up, and he stares into my newly red eyes. "Come, feed with us."

Marcus takes my hand, and he leads me to the throne room. A female human has led a group of humans in, and Aro has already found his meal. Caius is still searching. Athenadora and Sulpicia, by the looks of their bright eyes, they've already eaten.

"Logan." Aro says softly. "Come and feed, it's okay."

I flash over, and I stop in front of Caius. She better not call me snow bunny. I giggle, at least I still have my mind reading ability. I feed on a plump white male, who is wearing tourist clothing. He's an American man, visiting Volterra curiously.

"Nice job," Caius speaks, "even for your first feed."

Author's Point Of View
"We missed Logan's wedding because of this." Jasper Hale complains to Edward. "Alice had the vision eight before I was going to leave to watch her get married."

"This was supposed to be impossible." Edward Cullen reoliws in protest. "I'm sorry you missed Logan's wedding."

Isabella Swan is sitting on the couch, feeling guilty and useless. She didn't realize they missed Logan's wedding for this. She watches as her husband begins to pace, and Jasper is watching him with a worried glint in his eyes.

Logan's Point Of View

"Caius, I can read your mind." I say after the still breathing humans are led out. "I only called you snow bunny that time because I didn't know your name. I won't call you that again."

"Thank you, mind reader." Caius winks before he sits in his throne.

I look around, before flashing to the secret balcony. Marcus is in the throne room, there is a rule breaking vampire coming in and I didn't want to watch the execution.

I place my hands on the railing, and I look out over the city of Volterra. There is a mini festival going on in the castle yard, but nothing like the saint Marc's day festival. I watch as humans talk, and I see one go into labor.

I grab my phone and I dial a famiae American number, then I listen to the line ring.

"This is Carlisle." I hear the familiar voice say into the speaker.

"Carlisle, it's Logan." I speak calmly as I watch an Italian paramedic help the laboring woman to the ambulance. "How are things?"

"Logan Volturi, as I stand here and breath." Carlisle muses, but he sounds distant. "Things are fine. How are you?"

"I'm full vampire now." i say as I watch over the city some more. "I drowned myself, and killed my human a week ago. Marcus helped."

"That's.... Interesting." Carlisle replies and I hear Jasper talking. "Jasper wants to speak with you."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding, Logan." Jasper says as soon as he gets the phone to himself. "I couldn't get away."

"It's fine." I reply as I sit in a chair Marcus put out here. "I'm loving Italy."

"Great, you deserve happiness." Jasper says and I hear Bella speaking.

"Jasper, why so I hear Bella?" I ask, feeling something fuzzy in the pits of my Vampire stomach.

"She became sick, and needed a doctor." Jasper says. "We all know Carlisle is the best. He believes she picked up some bacterial virus or something in Rio."

"Oh, poor thing." I muse. "Tell Carlisle he better heal her, Edward wouldn't like it if she died."

I hang up my cellphone before Jasper can reply, and I watch as the orange and red leaves fall from the trees at the outer edges of the castle yard. I smile to myself before returning to my chambers, and find my husband already there.

"You was at the secret balcony, weren't you?" Marcus asks, smiling, the secret balcony is the only privacy a vampire can get to speak freely and not be heard. "You called your coven, didn't you?"

"I called my family." I correct him. "Isabella is sick."

"Poor girl." Marcus says without emotion, and I lay in his arms. "Amore mio."  

"Ti amo, amore mio." I muse as I stare at the ceiling. "Sempre e per sempre."

Marcus kisses my forehead and sighs. He starts telling me about his family and Didyme, he speaks of them in Greek instead of Italian. Still, such a beautiful language from a beautiful man.

Ti amo, amore mio.

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