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A couple weeks later.
Logan's Point Of View

I am greeted by Esme when I get off my plane in Port Angeles, Washington in the middle of the offer noon. Esme looks very happy to see me, I cannot help but wonder how Emmett will react.

"You look amazing, new heels?" She questions as she leads me to Carlisle's black Mercedes.

"Yes, Sulpicia gave them to me." I reply as I slide into the car. "Italy was beautiful, and I'm so glad to fill Marcus with a little bit of life."

"I have something to tell you, and it might ruin the good mood." Esme says as she pulls away from the airport.

"What's going on, Esme?" I ask, looking at her.

"Bella learned the secret." Esme says. "About a week ago. She confronted Edward. He's bringing her over, sheet school, to meet the family?"

"Of course." I sigh, I should have expected this. "Did Edward expose himself again, and how annoyed is Rose?"

"Yes, research did expose himself to save her from muggers." Esme replies as she passes the Forks sign. "Rosalie is angry, not annoyed."

I'm tackled with a hug as soon as I close the car door. I can tell by the strong set of arms that it's Emmett. He lets me go and he looks me over. He grins before he drags me inside, where Rosalie freezes in her tracks. The smell of Italian food fills the air.

"Hey!" Jasper greets me. "I'm going walking with Alice. I'll see you soon, Logan."

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks, sounding slightly irritated.

"Her name is Bella." Emmett comments, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Her name has nothing to do with it." I scold. "I'm Italian, and my name's Logan."

"Get a whiff of that!" Rosalie says, stopping a sibling argument between Emmett and myself.

"Here comes the human!" Esme sings as she jogs over to the kitchen opening, where Edward enters with Bella. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you!"

"Bella, this is Esme." Edward says, grinning at me, just noticing I'm back from Italy. "My mother for all intents and purposes."

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the second time." Carlisle says, winking in my direction.

"Hope you're hungry!" Esme chirps as she walks away.

"Yeah, absolutely." Vea smiles, phonily. She's eaten, already.

"She's already ate." Edward comments, I knew it.

"Perfect," Rosalie seeths as the bowl of salad shatters in her hands, causing me to gasp.

"It's just.... I know you guys don't eat..." Bella says softly, not noticing me.

"That's very generous of you." Esme replies, sending scolding eyes towards Rosalie.

"Ignore Rosalie, I do." Edward says to Bella, mistake.

"Yeah, let's all keep pretending this isn't dangerous to all of us!" Rose snaps.

"I would never tell anybody!" Bella pleads, looking at me finally.

"She knows that." I say, sighing at Rosalie's anger.

"Yeah, well, the problem is you two have become public now...."

"Emmett..." I interrupt him, sending him scolding eyes.

"No, she should know." Rosalie seeths, sending me an apologetic look. "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."

"As in..." Bella pauses to swallow the lump in her throat. "I'd become the meal?"

I start laughing at this, then Alice and Jasper enter. Jasper looks at me, confused, but is tense by the smell of human blood in the house. I speed over to him using my vampire speed, and place a hand gently on his forearm.

"Hello, major." I greet.

Jasper bows, and kisses the back of my hand. "Hello, madam."

I giggle at this and we see Alice hug Bella.

"You do smell good." Alice whispers.

"Alice, what are you...".

"Don't worry!" Alice cuts Edward off. "We will be the best of friends, I already know it."

"How about a tour of the rest of the house?" Edward says to Bella.

"How was Volterra?" Jasper asks as we sit on the couch.

"Amazing." I reply. "Marcus has this secret place that he only knows. He found it when Didyme was killed."

"I heard Marcus was your mate." Jasper smiles.

"He is not like the others." I say with a smile. "He is so much better."

Jasper wraps a arm around me, and he smiles. "I'm glad Carlisle and Esme adopted you. You're pretty great, Logan."

Marcus Volturi's Point Of View
I step into the room that Logan slept in, and her smell still lingers. She has been nearly twenty four hours since she left, and I still smell her.

I find a piece of paper on the table beside the bed, and it looks like her writing. She intended for me to find it.

Dearest Marcus,
I'm so glad I met you, and realized you were my Vampire mate. I must come back and see you again, and soon. Miss you a bunch already.
Logan Santiago.

Smiling, I place the paper back down and leave the room.
. Logan's Point Of View

Jasper has just left for a hunt with Alice and Emmett, leaving me alone with Rosalie and Esme. Carlisle has left for the hospital, and Edward is driving Bella home. Rosalie comes out onto the balcony with me, wanting company.

"I'm sorry for earlier." Rosalie says to me, giving me a small side hug. "I hope I didn't offend the human side of you."

"You didn't." I respond. "The Volturi won't be happy. But no worries, I won't tell them."

Rosalie and I watch the trees, I'm a comfortable silence.

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