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I actually wake up fairly early the following morning, almost forgetting where is was. After slipping my feet into some black slippers, I open the French doors and steps onto the balcony. I notice a small festival going on, for the Italians.

"You're awake, miss Santiago." The monotone voice of Jane Volturi sounds as I step inside. "Enjoying the weather?'

"Very much." I reply, looking at the vampire.

"Marcus has sent me to get you, the chef had made you breakfast." Jane says. "Felix is right outside, he will bring you to the kitchen."

I pull on some dark skinny jeans, a while long sleeved shirt, alone with a denim vest and black boots that reach the bottom of my knees. I bruah out my hair before meeting Felix right outside the room.

"Follow me." Felix says, avoiding looking at me too long.

Sighing, I follow behind the tense vampire as he leads me down a very long hall. Felix leads me down a couple flights of stairs, as a beautiful vampire sends him lustful glances. Vampire love affair? Color me intrigued.

The kitchen is very spacious. The walls are made stone, and the floors of brick. It is a very odd combination, but combines perfectly. The counters look brand new, deep red marble. The stove and everything else are all black, and made of cast iron.

"Logan, this is chef Benny." Felix says, eyeing human who cooks for the human visitors. "Benny, this is the guest of Marcus Volturi's. Feed her well, he will swing by to get her."

Benny smiles in my direction as he cracks open some eggs. "Are you one of them? Vampires?"

"Only half." I reply, smirking slightly. "I'm a hybrid. I have human in me, as well."

"Would you like blood with your meal?" Benny asks.

"Make some chocolate chip pancakes, and use blood as the syrup." I say. "I do that at home, only with animal blood."

"We only have human." Benny says.

"I assumed, it doesn't hurt to try it." I smile as Benny starts on my pancakes, after getting the blood bag.

"You're working Benny to death, miss Santiago." The deep voice of my mate causes me to perk up. "Good work, Benny."

"Thank you, sir." Benny sighs, and he hands me my plate. "Here you are, miss Logan. Enjoy."

Marcus sits beside me and he watches as I eat. "I miss that.... Eating like a human."

"Never would have expected a Volturi member to say those words?" I say as I finish off my breakfast. "What are your plans?"

"I just want to spend some time with you, my blessing." Marcus says, so softly. "You are my second mate, which means you must be a blessing. How did I become so lucky?"

"I have no idea, Marcus." I reply. "Did you feed?"

"Yes, I did." Marcus replies as he takes my hand. "Come with me."

Marcus tugs me along behind him, and we eventually reach the very top floor. We step out onto the balcony, which happens to be shaded perfectly, and he shows the entire view. From up here, you can see all of Volterra.

"This scenery, it's beautiful." I whisper as Marcus lets me go and he stands beside me. "Why did you bring me up here?"

"Aro and Caius dont know if this part of the castle." Marcus explains, looking out over the view. "I found it after Didyme was killed."

"Was Didyme your first mate?" I ask, stepping in his view and looking into his crimson eyes.

"Yes, she was and she was beautiful." Marcus says, sadness filming his red eyes. "Aro was her older brother."

"Oh, how lovely." I joke.

Marcus smiles, taking me by surprise. "He wasn't happy I was her mate, and she was mine."

I turn to face the view, without anther word. Marcus carefully wraps his cold arms around me, and he holds me against him.

Author's Point Of View

Carlisle and Esme Cullen watch as Emmett paces across the backyard over a dozen times. Esme just told the family about her conversation with Logan the night before. Emmett Cullen just found out Logan's mate is Marcus Volturi.

Jasper Hale is actually happy for the hybrid, knowing she is safe from the Volturi's wrath- no matter what. Marcus would slaughter anybody over her, anybody. That includes the xullens, even if they've done no wrong. Logan's his mate.

Meanwhile, back in Volterra, Aro and Caius are in the throne room~ with Jane and Alec, the twins. Caius has grown fond of the two, they are loyal to the Volturi clan, as other vamps call then.

"Where has Marcus and that Logan run off to?" Aro asks nobody in particular, he is happy Marcus found another mate after Didyme.

"They were in the kitchen last I heard." Alec responds, sitting on a stone step beside his sister.

Marcus and Logan are in the same spot, on the secret balcony. They are watching the sun set together ND Logan is enjoying the breeze. Marcus still has his arms around Logan, not wanting to let go. He lets out a sigh as the breeze blows their way, and the sun finally sets.

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