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Two Italian guard members stop me as I enter the building, both with deep crimson eyes. One is taller than the other, the smaller one looking ten times meaner than the taller one.

"A-Aro is expecting me..." I say softly. "I'm the hybrid..."

The taller one relaxes a little, as does the smaller one. "Very well. Follow us."

I push a strand of my hair behind my ear as I follow behind the tall vampire, the short one is standing guard at the door.

"I'm Felix." The tall vampire says to me. "That was Demitri."

"I'm Logan Santiago." I say.

"I know your father, Logan." Felix says as we enter an elevator, the doors close in front of our faces. "He was a traitor, and was killed."

"What was his name?" I ask. "My mother's name was Melanie, and she called me a monster."

"You're no monster, sweetheart." Felix promises. "Your father was Draven Santiago. Melanie woukdnt admit to it, but they had a wedding shortly before our birth and her death."

"Why was Draven killed?" I ask as the elevator dings, and the doors slide open.

"Killed two guys people in two days, for sport." Felix replies as he stops in front of two large doors, my warm and fuzzy feelings come fast. "Follow my lead, and you'll be fine Logan."

"Okay." I say.

Felix pushes open the two large doors open, and he leads me into the very large room with very old stone floors. The floors stop at some steps, where I find three men. One man is looking at me with suspetion. He has snow white hair and crimson eyes. The one in the middle has shoulder length, raven colored hair with crimson eyes.

The one on the opposite end as the snow bunny, he catches my eye. He is taller than the others, but appears to be the youngest. His dull red eyes are drained of any emotion known. That is, until he looks at me. Mate.... Crap. His eyes fill with every emotion known to man and vampire.

"Ah, the hybrid, at least." The middle one says with a cashmire cat grin, creepy. "Silly me, you have no clue whose who. I'm Aro."

"Chi è il coniglio di neve?" I ask, earning a growl from the snow bunny.

Aro smiles, amused. "His name's caiism the other is...."

"My mate." I interrupt him.

"Your mate." Aro repeats, slowly. "Very well, that's Marcus."

Caius flashes down, catching me by surprise. "I mean you no harm, missus. What is your name, hybrid?"

"Logan Santiago." I reply.

"Daughter of Draven and Melanie Santiago." Felix adds.

Aro takes my hand. "It is an honor to meet you, Logan Santiago."

Marcus stops me before I can leave the throne room, it is just the two of us. His crimson eyes look into my green eyes, and he remains silent. His eyes study mine, studying me.

"Il mio amore." Marcus speaks genrltg in Italian, saying 'my love.' "I always believed in second mates...."

I am speechless, by how close Marcus is standing to me and by how deep his voice really is. He has removed his cloak, now he's in some dark pants and a black long sleeve top. His messy hair still falls to his shoulders. His eyes are brighter now, but dark with hunger.

"Have you fed?" I ask, soft and easy.

Marcus shakes his head. "No."

"Go and feed, Marcus." I respond, taking his hand. "You need tour strength to manage me for a couple weeks."

Marcus smirks down at me before he calls for Jane. "Show Logan to her changes please, Jane."

"Follow me." Jane says, leading me down the same halls Felix had led me down.

Jane brings me up a couple stories, without a word. She knows I'm Marcus's mate, and she knows not to upset him. Jane is without a cloak now. She's wearing a knee length black dress, with some black heels. She is gorgeous, beneath the long cloak.

"Get cleaned up and rested, I believe Marcus has a day for you planned tomorrow."

I grab the phone on the nightstand, and I dial the American number I know my heart before pressing call. I press the phone against my ear, and I listen as it ring.

"Hello?" Esme's voice says over the speaker, causing me to smile.

"Esme,it's me, Logan." I reply, stripping from today's clothes.

"Logan! Hey. Did you find your mate?" Esme asks me, see sounds excited to hear from me.

"I did, actually. My mates Marcus." I reply. "You should have seen the life fill him as soon as he saw me."

Esme talks about Emmett, and how much he's been worried. Edward has returned from his hunt, but won't go to school until Monday. She talks about Carlisle, and how he has missed having me around.

"I'm tired, it's a sleep night for me." I say. "I'm going to bed, Esme. Goodnight."

I place the Italian phone on it's reciever, and I climb into the comfy bed. My green eyes close instantly, and sleep finds me.

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