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A few months later.
Author's Point Of View

Aro, Caius, and Marcus Volturi all sit in their thrones, only Marcus knows his wife is in the secret balcony. Aro is in the center of the three Vampires, as always.

Chelsea walks in, with Irina Denali following behind closely. The blonde hair of the Alaska vampire catches Aro's attention. He know her coven is close with the Olympic coven.

"Well, hello Irina." Aro greets. "What seems to be the problem?"

"The Cullen's...." Irina speaks, almost hesitating. "They've committed a crime...."

Logan's Point Of View
I hear those words leave Irina's mouth right as I stop outside the throne room doors. Biting my lip and pushing past my own hesitance, I shove the doors of the throne room open.

"My wife!" Marcus muses as I sit in his steady lap. "We need a favor."

Marcus had told me they want meto travel back to Forks, Washington. They want me to check out this crime my family has committed.

"Oh and Logan." Marcus says as I wan my final bag. "Tell your family we will be there when the snow sticks."

I leave the castle and I smile at the snowy ground. Felix is with me, because he promised Marcus my safe arrival to Florence. I've protested and protested, saying I could travel to Florence by door. Marcus wasn't having it.

I get into the Italian sports car with Felix, and he drives slowly to Florence. Slower than usual, due to the heavy snow falling from the sky.

"Have a safe flight." Felix says as he walks me to security, which is his stopping point.

I only nod before I get on the plane, and get to sit first class. Becoming a Volturi welcomes me with a lot of money. I got to lay to side first class to Port Angeles, Washington.
12 hours later

The plane eventually lands in Port Angeles after I caught an hour plane from Seattle. The airport has a bunch of holiday traveling humans, making me the only vampire.

I walk through the airport without bumping anybody, with some shades pulled over my crimson eyes. The snow is really falling here, too. It'll start sticking in a few weeks time.

It doesn't take me long at all to find a taxi, and for the driver to realizes I'm Italian. He drives me all the way to Forks, which is an hour drive from Port Angeles.

I tip the man when he pulls up to the front porch of the Cullen's place. I step out and watch as he drives away. I blow my now shoulder length brown hair out of my face as I climb the steps.

Edward. Let me in. I think and step back.

Edward opens the door, and he pulls me into a hug~ catching me by surprise. He grabs my wrist and he drags me into the foyer. Jasper's golden eyes grow when he sees me, and he flashes up and hugs me.

"Guys." I squeak. "I'm happy to see you guys, too. Irina was at the castle today, what crime did she speak of?"

"No crime, just something like your mother." Carlisle replies as he points out a child at the piano. "This is Renesme, she's a hybrid. Bella gave birth to her when she was still human."

I look at the girl and at Bella, who is a vampire now. My eyes lock with Edward after I take my shades off, my eyes narrow.

"They'll come when the snow sticks." I say through my teeth. "They think she was changed."

Alice looks at me and she only frowns. She knows I'm telling the truth about what they think with the little knowledge of this hybrid child.

"Renesme, this is Logan." Bella says gently. "Se is your father's sister."

"Who's her father?" I ask, already knowing but needing reassurance.

"I am." Edward replies before Jacob Black comes jogging downstairs, he freezes at the sight of me.

"Hi." Renesme says, her voice gentle. "Is your husband going to kill us?"

"Marcus isn't the biggest fan of the Volturi, but he is there because he has no choice." I reply. "Aro is your biggest worry. But Alice will help with that, she's pretty great."

"You'll side with your husband, won't you?" Nessie asks, frowning.

"Actually, my sweet niece, I'm taking no sides and staying out of this." I reply. "You're my family, and so is he Volturi. I would say use a condom next time Edward, but Bella's a vampire now."

Edward smirks. "Only you or Emmett would make that comment."

"Where's Emmett?" I ask, eager to see my other brother.

Hunting. Edward thinks, and I flash Into the trees. The animal blood actually begins to make me hungry, so I feed off a grizzly bear real fast before I hear a growl, but not from an animal.

My eyes move up a built body, and I find Emmett glaring down at me. His eyes widen when he realizes it's me and he pulls me up to hug me.

"Full vamp, huh?" Emmett says, smirking.

"With the help of my husband, yes." I reply as Emmett and I walk towards the Cullen home. "I'm glad to be full vampire, to be totally honest. Instead of half."

"The treaty is void now." Emmett says as we reach the backyard. "Jacob imprinting on a Cullen broke it."

"I'll pay my wolf friends a visit tomorrow then." I say with a smile as we enter the house. "Boy, I've missed my family."

I sit with Nessie at the piano, and she begins practicing Beethoven.

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