chapter 3

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I went back to the chill room and sat in the spot as before, scrolling through twitter still annoyed at the situation that had just occurred.

     "Where'd you go?" Tory, who was sitting next to me, asked.

  "Oh nowhere, I just went to check if I left something downstairs" Which wasn't a complete lie, but I didn't want Tory to start digging.

     "My mans Dave ain't too big on being social. I mean don't get me wrong he can talk for days to any and everyone, but he's also a lowkey type of nigga" Tory told me in a low voice, although nobody was paying attention to us they still had ears.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about" I tried to act confused.

"You been eyeing him since you got here, don't try and act now. I ain't dumb"

"Fine you got me" I gave up my confused act. "I thought maybe I'd just get close to him now so after my birthday I could shoot my shot"

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Like I told Trey, don't worry about it" I giggled. "You'll find out on my birthday"

"Okay Okay" Tory raised his hands like he was giving up. "But I'm guessing you're under 18"

Of course I wasn't gonna let him know that. "Just know I'm old enough, okay? I'm grown love"

Tory just chuckled.

"Chris, where's Royalty?" I remembered that we had a movie date tonight.

"She's with Ma at her house" He responded, still in his game.

"Oh aight" I was a bit relieved because I wasn't ready for our family 'talk'. I had questions but I wasn't in the mood to have such a heavy discussion right now.

"Alright boys, I'm off to bed. Have fun with that game" I gave them all hugs and exchanged goodbyes.

Tremaine extended his hug time. "Tremaine if you don't let go.." I laughed as he let go.

"Night princess" Tory said. I figured that was his nickname for me which I didn't mind one bit.

"Night mamas" August said.

After that, I went to my room and got into bed. Sending Alicia a quick text before knocking out. It was a long day and I was tired.


I woke up and it was close to 10am. I stayed in bed and decided to facetime Alicia. It was saturday morning and I knew she had nothing to do.

"Hey Mani" Alicia's big smile popped in the camera.

"Hi Licia" I grinned.

"Glad you ain't forget about me"

  "You know I could never. But girl let me tell you" She sat up and put her phone on the counter so she can give me her full attention.

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