chapter 32

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It was now December 20th and Dariah was getting ready for her court session today. Her lawyer and her spent the past two days preparing for a good case, it wasn't as easy as Dariah thought it would be when she first turned herself in.

She was honestly lucky that her wait was only two months because other not so lucky people had to wait much longer than her.. even years before their trial started.

Dariah was sitting in her seat wearing a nice tan blouse with dress pants and flats, next to her lawyer who dressed professionally as well.

"Nervous?" Denise whispered. Dariah nodded her head.

"Don't be, I'm confident and you should be too" She assured her.

The case was nerve racking but she was more nervous to see everyone she had been avoiding. She was hoping that they'd understand where she was coming from.

10 minutes later, the room was filled with the necessary people and the judge.

"Brown V LosAngelos"

Everyone stood up then the trial began after all the technicalities. It was a long and exhausting trial but Dariah just couldn't understand why, her real father was America so why did they continue to waste time.

"With all due respect Sir, we have already established that Dariah's biological father is indeed Jaren Bello and not Isaiah Kumar so I'm not quite sure why this is being dragged out" Denise spoke carefully, hoping not to piss the judge off.

"We have no proof of that" The ICE lawyer said.

"We literally do.. I have shown the documents already and doctor's have already been here to testify. You have no case" Denise shrugged causing Dariah to snicker. It was very clear that she frustrated  with the ICE lawyer.

Dariah wanted so badly to turn around and see her family but she was too scared so she faced forward the whole time. Denise and the ICE kept going back and forth, the judge seemed to be enjoying the show but eventually got tired of it.

"ORDER ORDER.. Order in the court" Judge Jonathan shouted. The court quieted.

"I've heard enough. Ms.Cooke you've made your case. Mr.Stewart you've made your case as well. We will split for a 15 minute recess and I will come back with a decision"

Everyone left the room besides Denise, Dariah, and those there who were supporting her.

"You have to face them" Denise turned to her. Dariah sighed and wiped the tears that managed to build up in her eyes. "It's alright, just breathe. They aren't mad"

Denise turned and waved the family over. Dariah slowly turned around and faced the people she's been avoiding.

"Hi" Dariah shyly greeted.

Karlyn just raced to her and engulfed her in a tight hug. They rocked for a very long minute before Karlyn let go. Raina and Chris were next up to give her hugs then everyone made their way to have turns. Lastly, Dave walked into the room holding their baby girl. Dariah squealed and ran over to him, she grabbed her child from him and cried while holding Kaiya close to her.

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