chapter 24

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David Brewster Jr.

"Yo I don't know what the fuck is goin' on with yo sister" I stressed. "She's going crazy bruh"

"So tell me everything that happened" He responded through the phone. I had just gotten back from dropping Dariah off, Chris was still on tour so he was in Jersey right now.

"Man where do I start .." I sighed. "I don't want you to cut yo tour short or anything but I need some advice on her"

"Aight just let me know what's going on" He said.

"So Dariah tells me she's pregnant right and i'm like aight i'll be there for you, not knowing she thought I was the father-"

"Why'd you say she thought ?" Chris interrupted.

"I'm getting there nigga! anyways so she tells me after Vanessa tells me she's pregnant then Vanessa moves in and D moves out because everybody just been fighting. long story short, I come over to see her and confront her about the child being mine then I leave Vanessa there and-"

"Wait she moved out? Why you ain't call me?" Chris interrupted once again.

"Nah b, you ain't gon keep interrupting me"

"Aight my bad, go on"

"So after I leave V with her-"

"Wait how'd you find out if she ain't tell you?" Chris butts in again.

"Vanessa" I sighed.

"But how'd she find out?"

"SHE OVERFUCKINGHEARD MY NIGGA" I frustratingly yelled at him.

"Sorry, continue"

"I come back cause apparently Dariah locked her out and I drop V off so I can take Dariah to her appointment" I continued telling the story in deep detail and once I was done, Chris went silent.

"I took her to the hospital and we met up with Dr.P, I saw and heard him clearly tell her she was pregnant" Chris responded.

"Nigga I went there too and they said they couldn't find the damn baby.." I argued.

"This is some bullshit, I'll call him up and find out what the hell is going on" He said.

"Alright, but besides that I still feel like Dariah should get some help bro" I let him know.

"I asked so much from you already, so I ain't gonna ask you to take her in but Ima call my ma to come get her"

Chris and I talked for a few more minutes about the tour before hanging up. I leaned back on the couch sighing, thinking about how fucked up life can be.

Dariah- Imani Brown

The doorbell was ringing nonstop which awoke me from my sleep, I sluggishly got up and went downstairs to open the door. I was surprised to see Gloria at the door with Royalty.

"Hey Gloria" I put on a fake smile, it's not that I wasn't happy to see her but i'm tired and I feel like she came here to talk about life which is something I really don't feel like discussing right at this moment.

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