chapter 22

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Vaughn has been blowing my phone up and I was getting tired of it but I just continued to ignore him because I already had too much going on. A fake marriage and a baby on the way, I just turned 18 with no job.

"You good?" Dave and I were sitting in the living room watching TV, I still hadn't told him that the baby was his.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"So listen" He started and I turned to him, giving him my full attention. "Vanessa and I have been talking about what would be best for our baby.."

I rolled my eyes at the mention of Vanessa, I can't believe we are baby momma sisters.

"And she suggested that she moves in, I wanted to run it by you first since you do live here too"

My jaw dropped. He can't possibly be serious.. there's no way in hell Im living with her.


"You don't have to answer now but she wants to know as soon as possible" He said before getting up and walking away, leaving me in deep thought. My first instinct was to call Alicia and tell her so that's what I did.

"Hello?" Alicia answered groggily.

"Hey I miss you" I smiled into the phone like she could see me. "So much has happened since you left"

"Mhm and that's why you haven't called?" I could tell she was frowning.

"I know I know, basically...."

"Basically what?"

"I'm having a child"

There was a silence before she busted out laughing. "Yo stop playin', that ain't funny"

"Alicia i'm deadass"

"No bullshit, ya blowing the fuck outta me right now. I'm not even gonna ask any questions. Congrats"

"I'm sorry"

"I gotta go" She quickly responded before hanging up. I let out a loud sigh, this is not how my life is supposed to go. I didn't want her to be angry, I need her right now.

"So did you come to a decision?" Dave came back and stood near the couch. But before I could answer, the door bell rang.

"Hey baby" I saw Vanessa walk in and kiss him then she turned and looked at me. "Oh.. store girl is still here"

I realized she had luggage's and bags behind her. I looked up at Dave. "I did ask.." He said scratching the back of his head.


The next couple hours of Vanessa's loud ass moving in and getting settled had me ready to set the house on fire with her in, but of course I kept my cool and zoned her out.

"Hello? are you paying attention?" Raina came over to keep me company, right now we were just chilling in the kitchen.

"Huh? yeah yeah I am" I nodded, acting like I heard her.

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