chapter 33

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Baby Vincent in the mm.


Dariah-Imani Brown

"Which one do you think I should get for Chris ? The yellow and black tracksuit or the red and black jumpsuit?" I asked Tory, showing him the two options.

"The yellow one" He said, looking through a rack of clothes.

We were currently at the shopping center buying christmas presents.. well I am doing the buying since everyone else already did theirs and Tory wanted to accompany me which I didn't mind at all.

"Alright, i'll get both and give the red one to Dave" I said putting both tracksuits in the cart.

"Why you buying him one?" Tory mugged while pushing Kaiya's carriage.

"Because he's the father of my child and I need to show him some type of appreciation" I chuckled, I noticed Tory has been holding a bunch of negative energy towards Dave but I wasn't sure why.

A small part of me had a feeling that Tory had a crush on me but then the other part just thought of him being a protective brother/ close friend. I wouldn't mind dating him, he's a great guy but that's just too much. I dated his cousin, he's my brother's friend, and he's a close friend of my child's father.

"You don't owe him shit since y'all ain't married anymore but I mean I guess" He mumbled.

Dave and I had gotten a divorce but I still do owe him some appreciation for helping me out. I basically forced him into a marriage with me when he already had a girl, and now that I think of it that was really selfish of me.

Tory and I continued to christmas shop for about two more hours before calling quits. We were now in my old room wrapping gifts since there would be no other time to do it.

"What you wearing to the party tonight?"

"Im gonna keep it simple and wear a red maxi dress" I responded, finishing up the wrapped present by putting a bow on it.

"I might match with you and wear my red suit" He smiled.


"What? we gotta be the flyest couple at the party"

"Who's we?" I laughed. "I'm a single mama"

"You can think you're single but you're my babygirl" He winked at me before taking the wrapped gifts and putting it near the door.

"You've been acting real flirty since I been locked up" I decided it was the right time to address the situation.

"It's natural" He responded. He was right, he was a natural flirt but this was different.

"Nah nah be foreal with me" I patted the space next to me so he knew to sit down next to me. "Is it all fun and games or you're feeling me?"

"Aight you got me. I'm not feeling you" He said and I sighed in relief. "I have deep love for you. I ain't gonna beat around the bushes anymore but I think we can create something real between us"

I was lost for words. Tory is attractive and a real nice person but I just can't.. I'm not ready to hop into a relationship when I'm still dealing with problems.

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