Prologue: We'll Be Okay

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One month earlier...

Axel's POV

Knock knock knock.

I looked up from my sketchbook and frowned. I carefully set down my book and stood up. I stretched as I walked over to the front door and sighed as I heard my back pop. I opened the door and confusion swept over me at the sight of two police officers.

"Are you Axel Bianchi?" One of them asked. I felt a rising sense of panic as I slowly nodded. They adjusted their hats with a glance towards each other. My breathing stopped when the other policeman said, "May we come in?"

I knew immediately something was wrong. My head began to swim as the panic and confusion crashed down on my head and began racing a mile a second. I struggled to focus on what the cops were saying rather than the thoughts in my head. 

"What is this about?" I asked as I slowly sank onto the recliner.

They exchanged a look before the one with brown hair sat down across from me and said, "Your parents have died."

I felt my body shut down. I was in complete shock. They were only gone for an hour. I only heard bits of what the other policeman was saying. 

Slippery roads.

Car accident.

Blows to the head.


The longer he talked, the more the thoughts I tried to keep at bay came crashing down. Why? Why them? What happened? Who's responsible? Are my siblings okay? Is anyone alive?

"Is anyone alive?" I asked quietly.

He stopped mid-sentence and nodded. "Your siblings. All four of them."

I grit my teeth to keep back my unwelcome thoughts and asked, "Where are they?"

"They've been taken to the hospital. Would you like to visit them?"

I nodded and held up a finger in a gesture for them to wait on the couch. I ran to my room and slipped on my shoes. I ran to the boys' room and grabbed each of their favorite bears. I ran to my sister's room and grabbed her stuffed wolf. I ran back downstairs and snatched my wallet off the counter as the cops stood up and went outside. I grabbed my house key before locking the door. I nodded at the policemen to lead the way. 

The drive to the hospital was done in silence. I focused on the fact that my little brothers and sister were alive and not on my parents. I shook my head and looked to my right. I smiled as I picked up Robin's bear. My lower lip trembled and my eyes became glossy as I was thrown back in my memories. I shook my head before I could get too deep and took a deep breath, willing the tears away. I had to be strong, for them. 

Once we pulled up, I scrambled out of the car with the animals in my arms and raced inside. The cops ran after me and led me up to the rooms where my siblings were being treated. Once we stepped off the elevator, I walked quickly to the rooms the police told me they would be in. 

I decided to visit Drake and Robin first. I slowly opened the door and poked my head in. I walked in fully and pulled a chair between their beds. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. 


I looked to my left and carefully held Robin's hand. "Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?"

Robin yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Tired. And sore. My arm really hurts." He blinked slowly a few times and looked around. "Are we in a hospital? What are we doing in the hospital?"

I blinked in shock before I frowned. I handed him his bear which he gladly accepted as I pushed the button to call for a nurse. "You don't remember anything?" 

He shook his head as he tightly squeezed the bear to his chest with one arm. I sighed and snapped my head over to the right. 

"Remember what?" Drake yawned as he reached for his bear. I handed it to him as I gently ran my hand through his dark brown hair. 

I shook my head when a knock sounded at the door. "I'll tell you later," I said, dread filling up my stomach. If they don't remember the accident, then they must not remember what happened to our parents. 

The doctor opened the door and stepped inside. He smiled at us and held out his hand for me to shake. I stood up and took his hand. "Hello. I'm Dr. Martins. I'm going to be running a few tests on your siblings."

I nodded and quietly asked, "Do you know what's wrong with them?" 

He sighed as he pulled out his clipboard. "So far it looks like all of them have suffered from mild concussions, and the one with black hair―"

"Raven," I said.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, Raven has a broken tibia and is in a cast. Your sister hasn't woken up yet, so I don't know the extent of her injuries." He hesitated before continuing. "I don't think any of them remember being in a car accident, which means they may suffer from memory loss for a while. It should be gone within a few weeks."

I sighed and nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Doctor."

With a promise to come to check on them later, I left and ventured into Raven's room. I felt the corner of my mouth tug when he gave me a tired smile. I sat down in the chair beside his bed and gave him his bear. "How are you feeling, Raven?"

He shrugged.

I smiled softly at him and held his hand that wasn't hugging his bear. "Have you seen Jay anywhere?"

He shook his head. 

I carefully gave him a kiss on top of his head. "I'm going to go visit Jay for a bit, okay?"

Raven nodded. I smiled at him and walked into the doctor as I was coming out of Raven's room. He shook his head at me and walked down the hallway. I sighed as I leaned against the wall.

Damnit. I'm going to have to break it to them that Mom and Dad are gone. I wish I didn't have to break it to them. I shook my head and walked into Jay's room. Later. They need my attention first. 

I gently set the wolf beside Jay's sleeping form. I sighed and pressed the heels of my palms into my eyes. 

What in the world happened? They were only gone for an hour! How did they get into an accident?


I looked over at Jay and smiled softly, only for the smile to be wiped off my face when her lip started to tremble. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, you're okay," I said gently as I pushed her wild red hair out of her face. 

Jay broke down in sobs as she wrapped her arms around herself. "I-I remember! I remember everything!" She choked out between sobs. 

I cautiously sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her. Jay climbed in my lap and clutched my shirt between her fists. My heart ached as I heard her cries of pain. Somewhere between the sobs, I could hear what she was saying. "...So much blood. And-and there was glass in Mom's throat. Dad's face was s-scraped off an-and his eye was gone."

I squeezed my eyes shut. I kissed the top of her head while rubbing her back. I grit my teeth as I felt her tears soak through my shirt. 

I take back what I said. I would rather have to tell them than have them remember.

I continued to rub Jay's back as her sobs slowly turned to little sniffles and whimpers. I tilted her chin up and forced her blue eyes to lock with my grey ones. "It's okay."

I pulled her into another hug and tucked her head under my chin. "We'll be okay."


Okay! I'm really excited to start this story! I've had the idea running around my head for a while and decided to get it down. Anyway, let me know what you think so far!

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