Chapter Two: It's Only Been a Month

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Axel's POV

"C'mon guys, it's time to wake up. We're stopping here for now."

I turned around when I got no response and smiled. They were all using each other as pillows as they slept, leaning on the other person's shoulder. I crinkled my nose when I noticed all of them were drooling on each other.

Grabbing Raven's crutches out of the passenger seat, I opened the door and caught Raven as he threatened to fall out of the car. The sudden movement woke up Jay, who opened her eyes and looked around with a yawn. "Are we at the new house?"

I shook my head as I helped Raven out of the car. "No. We're at a hotel for now. The moving van should be here tomorrow, er, later today with our stuff, so let's just go to bed."

Jay nodded and slid out of the car. Drake, no longer having anyone to lean against, hit the seat and woke up with a start. Robin, who had been leaning on Drake, woke up before he landed on his brother. He lifted his arm up to try to rub the sleep from his eye, only to frown when the cast on his arm got in the way. 

After making sure they were all safely out of the car, I locked it before opening the door to the hotel. Once Jay, Robin, and Drake were inside, I walked back outside and picked up Raven who was struggling to get up the steps with his crutches. He yawned into my chest and wrapped one arm around my neck. I smiled and set him down, making sure he wouldn't fall over before shutting the door behind us.

I smiled softly as I took in my siblings' sleepy faces. It's no wonder they're tired. We've been on the road for nearly fifteen hours, and it was almost one in the morning. 

I walked to the front desk while ushering my siblings along. After we checked in, I was handed a key. I all but carried them into the elevator and smiled as Raven used his crutch to push the button. The rest of them groaned about wanting to push the button but were soon interrupted by yawns. I fought not to catch it but failed as the doors opened on our floor. I held open the door as everyone stumbled out and down the hallway.

I swiped the keycard and pushed the door open. I looked around and nodded. There were two beds and a pull-out couch. I threw the cushions off the couch as Jay and Drake clambered into one bed. Robin pulled himself up with one arm and extended his good arm to Raven, who gladly accepted it and pulled himself up. They both burrowed under the covers, making sure not to bump into each other's casts. I smiled as I finished getting the couch situated. 

I walked over to Jay and Drake to give them each a kiss on the head. I turned off the lamp next to their bed, making the room darker instantly. Jay grabbed my hand as I went to move away and placed a kiss on my palm. "Goodnight, Axel."

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Jay."

As she burrowed back into the pillows, I walked over to Robin and Raven. After leaning Raven's crutches against the wall, I bent over and gave soft kisses to a snoring Robin and a drooling Raven. I turned off the light, shrouding the room in darkness. 

I gave a tired sigh as I pulled off my shirt and crawled onto the couch-bed. I ran my hands over my face and pulled the blanket over my chest. I soon fell into a deep sleep, not realizing how tired I actually was.


I woke up with a start to a kick in the lower stomach. I tried to sit up but was weighed down by multiple sleeping children. 

Drake was sprawled out over my legs with the back of his neck resting on my right shin and his legs hanging over my other leg. Raven was stretched out beside me with his head resting on my shoulder between my arm and chest and his broken leg hanging off the couch. Robin was curled into my left side, drooling on my bare chest with his broken arm thrown over Jay's back. Jay was sleeping on top of my chest with her legs on either side. Her leg gave me another kick, prompting me to begin waking everyone up, starting with Jay.

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