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This chapter is dedicated to @Lyralisha who has been on this adventure with me for quite some time. Here's to more adventures in the future! *lifts wine glass full of grape juice*

Monroe's POV

Ten Years Later...


I turned around at the sound of four voices calling out to me. I set the groceries on the counter and turned around just in time for four large bodies to crash into me. I smiled and put my arms around all four of them. "Hey, guys, what's going on?"

Jay pulled back to look down at me. Yes, she was taller than me now. Her and all her brothers. Each of them came to around six feet tall, if not a little taller or shorter. Jay smiled at me, and I immediately knew what was about to come out of her mouth. 

I rolled my eyes with a smile and began to put away groceries as Jay began to speak. "So Dad. You know how I'm sixteen now, right?"

I pulled a few cans of soup out of one of the bags before walking over to the cabinet, Jay following close behind. "Jay, if this is about you getting your permit again, I don't want to hear it right now. We'll talk about it later," I said as she took the cans from me and put them away since I was struggling to reach the shelf they go on.

Jay groaned before she muttered a 'fine.' She quickly told me she was going to her room before running off. I shook my head, knowing full well she was going to the garage to mess around with her car. She already bought a large red pickup truck for five hundred dollars and made it her mission to get the car into tip-top shape once again. 

Drake took his sister's place by my side as he helped me put away the groceries. "Dad, you know I love you, right?"

I bit the inside of my lip to keep from laughing. "What do you want, Drake?"

"Can I go to a party this weekend? Marc is having a celebration for making it to states," Drake pleaded as he clasped his hands in front of his face. 

I bit my lip as I put the milk in the fridge. I nodded and held up a hand when Drake went running to his room. "But, on a few conditions. One, no drugs of any kind. No exceptions. Two, no drinking. However, if you do end up drinking, call either an Uber or me or your uncles James and William to come and pick you up. Three, don't leave your drink unattended and don't let it out of your sight. You never know what can happen."

Drake laughed and gave me a hug, pressing my face against his chest. "Dad, it's not one of those parties."

I snorted. "Yeah, and I'm eight feet tall."

Drake laughed once again and pulled away. He walked over to the dining room table where Robin and Raven were both invested in their respective hobbies. Drake placed both his hands on Robin's shoulders. "I'm gonna take Robin here with me, so he can have a chance to get out there and meet kids his own age."

Robin snorted and placed his copy of The Lost Hero on the table. "You make it sound as if I'm an unsociable six-year-old."

Raven gave his brothers a tiny grin before reaching over and poking Robin on the arm with the eraser on his pencil. "Unsociable sixteen year old."

Robin sighed and went to pick up his book again, but Drake quickly snatched it up and sprinted to his room, Robin chasing him as screams echoed down the hallway. I rolled my eyes as Jay poked her head out of the garage, a purple bandana keeping her wild red hair out of her face. She looked at us before shrugging and returning to her car. 

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