Chapter Eighteen: How the Fuck Did the Press Find Us?

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Axel's POV

I yawned for the twentieth time that night. I looked down and smiled at the already-sleeping form in front of me before pulling him closer and pressing a kiss to the back of his head. Monroe grumbled incoherently before he turned around in his sleep and pressed his face to my chest, sighing happily as he did so.

I gently rubbed his back as he slept, his mouth twitching into a smile every so often. I sighed as I thought about what went down two days ago. 

I can't believe we were ran off the road. I'm just glad the worst Monroe got was a few stitches. I guess getting my cars armored was a good investment, after all, I thought with a sigh of relief.

Monroe turned away from me slightly and blinked up at me sleepily before closing his eyes and snuggling closer. "What're you thinkin' 'bout?" he asked, clearly still tired. 

I frowned slightly, a little upset Monroe had woken up. It was almost two in the morning, and he had school the next day. I pressed a gentle kiss to the stitches on his forehead. "Nothing, go back to sleep."

Monroe cracked an eye open and glared at me. "Don' lie. Tell me."

I sighed. "Just wondering who could be targeting my family," I admitted, knowing Monroe wouldn't fall asleep unless I told him.

Monroe opened his eyes and sat up. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I sat up and threw my legs over the edge of the bed, resting my elbows on my bent knees. "What is there to talk about? I have no idea who it could be," I said quietly, trying not to wake up anyone else in the house. 

Monroe kneeled next to me and rubbed my back. "It'll be okay, Axel. We'll figure it out eventually."

I sighed. "I know. It's when we figure it out that I'm worried about." I rubbed my hands over my face before continuing. "What if we figure it out only after something bad happens?"

Monroe wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "That won't happen. We'll figure it out, I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen," he said as he laid his head on my shoulder after giving my cheek a kiss. 

I turned my head and smiled at him, thankful for his reassurance. Monroe raised his head up and smiled at me. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. I cupped his face and deepened the kiss, laying him down on his bed as I did. Monroe broke away from our kiss all too quickly for my liking. "W-Wait! My parents are downstairs!" he hissed quietly.

"And? They're asleep," I said as I moved back down to connect our lips again.

Monroe let me do so for a second before he pushed on my chest. "Axel!"


"Your ribs are cracked," he protested, biting his lip as I littered kisses along his jawline.

"I have painkillers."

"We c-ah!-an't have sex right now," he said with a moan as I gently bit down on the sensitive spot on his neck. 

I pulled away slightly, causing Monroe to open his eyes. He looked at me from under his lashes, panting softly. God, he's really not doing anything to help me, I thought as I gazed down at him. 

I licked my lip as I eyed the fading bruise on his collarbone, left there courtesy of me. I snapped my eyes up to Monroe's when he hit my chest with the back of his hand. I chuckled and gently laid down beside him. "Okay, okay. Not tonight," I relented as I pulled him to my chest once again.

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