Chapter Three: They Call It Poliosis

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Monroe's POV

"Monroe! Dude! Have you heard?" James said excitedly as I sat down at the lunch table the next day. They were in the same positions as last week, but instead of a basketball in James's hand, it was a phone.

"Heard what?" I asked as I picked up the slice of greasy pizza. 

"Axel Bianchi moved here!! To this city!" James grinned as he waved his phone around like a schoolgirl who discovered her crush liked her back. 

I chewed slowly before swallowing. "Who is Axel Bianchi?"

"His man-crush," William said without looking up from the binder. He licked his finger before turning the page. "He's all over the news now."

I frowned. "Why? What happened?"

James shrugged. "No one knows. All anyone knows is he has legal guardianship of his younger siblings now. Rumor has it he had this huge falling out with his parents and took his siblings to spite them."

My frown deepened. "That's odd for the press, to not know anything."

William smirked. "Oh, I'm sure they do. He just threatened to sue them if they released anything about him or his family. That's why no one knows."

James turned to me and nodded with a grin. He blinked and suddenly the grin was gone with a frown in its place. "Wait a minute, Axel isn't my man-crush," he stated as he turned to William.

I laughed and took another bite of my pizza. "You still haven't told me who he is yet."

James stopped arguing with William and turned to me. "He's the son of two of the richest people in the United States! His mom owns this huge law firm that even has places set up in other countries, and his dad owns a multi-million dollar construction company. He's going to inherit those when his parents retire," James explained. 

I raised my eyebrows. "Wow. That'"

James laughed. "I know, right?! I wonder how much money he has."

William snickered. "I highly doubt he's looking for a sugar baby." 

James turned to William. "What? You think I'm not attractive enough to find a sugar daddy?"

William held up his hands. "All I'm saying is he has four six-year-old children to worry about. I highly doubt he's on the market to find another person to take up what little time he has for himself."

James sighed. "Yeah, yeah. One can only dream of finding a sugar daddy as young and hot as he is. He's total sugar daddy material."

I frowned. "Isn't it illegal anyway for you to have a sugar daddy?"

James pointed his phone at me. "Hey! It actually isn't! As long as both parties are at least sixteen and the age gap is no more than four years, it is perfectly fine to be dating!"

I snickered as I sipped my milk out of a straw. "You looked it up?"

A bright red blush worked its way up James's face. "Maybe!" He turned his nose in the air and said, "If you saw what he looked like, you would want to look it up, too."

I tilted my head. "What does he look like?"

"I'm not going to show you."

William rolled his eyes at James's childish behavior and pulled out his phone. He quickly typed something in and pulled up a picture of him. I took the phone and examined the picture closely.

"Axel" appeared to be leaving some sort of building. He had a strong jawline dusted in a light five o'clock shadow. His lips were slightly parted. His stormy grey eyes were narrowed slightly and looking directly at the camera. His dark brown hair was slicked back. I squinted at the picture. "What's up with the white streak in his hair?"

William took the phone back. "They call it poliosis. It's a genetic thing where one or multiple parts of your hair are white."

I nodded. "That's kinda cool." 

James nodded. "Yeah! Do you see what I mean by him being sugar daddy material?" 

I rolled my eyes. "You're too young to have a sugar daddy."

"Yeah, yeah, we've been over this," James frowned at me before his eyes lit up. "But you aren't! You could totally be his sugar baby!"


William stopped marking in the binder and looked me up and down. He turned to James and nodded. "He totally could."

"WHAT?! I'm not going to be anyone's sugar baby! And what do you mean, I 'totally could'?!"

William closed the binder and looked at me. "It means you're the perfect type. Cute, slim, a little on the smaller side, hardly any body hair―"

"―And of age," James winked at me. 

I felt my face go up in flames. "No! That's never going to happen anyway!"

Luckily, the lunch bell rang, saving me from having to hear their response. I rushed off to class and felt my face heat up again as I heard their laughs behind me. 


Later that night, I was looking up more jobs online. With a final sigh, I closed out of the tab and closed my eyes. Anything that's available that sounds interesting I'm either too inexperienced or too squeamish to get it done right. My mind drifted back to my earlier conversation at lunch as I looked up at the ceiling while leaning back in my chair. 

"All anyone knows is he has legal guardianship of his siblings now."

I frowned and googled Axel Bianchi. I clicked on images and scrolled through them to try and find out who his siblings are. When that didn't work, I typed in the word 'family' after his name. This time, when I clicked on images, there was an overwhelming amount of photographs of Axel and his siblings. I clicked on a picture to enlarge it. 

There were four little kids surrounding Axel, two on each side. The one furthest to left was holding her brother's hand. Her red hair was pulled into a braid over her shoulder. Her pale blue eyes were looking up at Axel. She was wearing a white shirt under a pair of overalls and a pair of blue sneakers. The one holding her hand had dark brown hair like Axel, except his was cut short. His green eyes peered around Axel to stare at the brother next to him. He was wearing jean shorts and a matching green shirt and sneakers. The brother being looked at had shaggy light brown hair that hung in his hazel eyes. His outfit was similar to his brother's, but he had darker shorts and a red shirt and sneakers. The last brother was looking directly at the camera. His black hair was messily swept across his forehead. His eyes were so dark they, too, looked black. He looked a little creepy, with his pale skin and all-black attire. 

I felt my eyes close as I continued staring at the picture. The last thing I remember seeing is a pair of stormy grey eyes boring into mine.


Okay, chapter three is done! Let me know what you think!

Also, I'm about halfway through Romeo x Juliet and oH MY GOD MY FEELINGS

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