Chapter Six: Despicable Me

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Monroe's POV

"Guess who finally got a job?!" I exclaimed as my lunch tray on the table. 

William looked up and grinned at me. "Congrats!"

James stopped dribbling the basketball and looked me in the eyes. "Is your boss hot?"

"James!!" I screeched as my face turned bright red. "You can't just ask that! He's my boss!"

"Oh, so your boss is a guy, is he?" James wiggled his eyebrows at me. I buried my face in my hands. "Aw, don't be embarrassed, Monroe. You can tell us all about your little crushes. After all, we were the first ones you came out to," James said as he slid beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

I removed my hands and sighed. "I'm still waiting on you to finally come out."

James removed his arm and squinted at me as he pursed his lips. William laughed. "Monroe, I think you're going to be waiting for a long time."

James flipped off William and turned back to me. "You still haven't answered whether or not your boss is hot."

I felt another blush rise to my cheeks as I thought back to this morning. His hair was disheveled like he had just gotten out of bed. His lips were pulled into the one-sided smile I saw quite often throughout the morning. And his eyes―

James squealed. "Oh my God, he totally is!! Okay, on a scale of one to Axel Bianchi, how hot is he?"

Oh, James. If only you knew.

"Uh, Axel, I guess," I said with a shrug and picked up my apple. I began to eat it to avoid answering any questions. I swallowed my bite and snickered at James's face. "Daydreaming about what my boss might look like?"

James flipped me off. William gasped and hit him with the theatre binder he always carries around nowadays. "How fucking dare you! You can be a dick to me all you want, but you just broke the number one rule! No being a dick to Monroe!" 

I rolled my eyes as they got into another argument and silently urged time to speed up so I could leave.


Unfortunately, since Axel lived in a different bus zone than me, I had to take a different bus to his house. I found the right bus and got on, luckily with no problems. I looked out the window as we made various stops at other schools.


I looked up in shock. "Drake?"

I moved my bag so he could sit down. Behind him, Jay and Robin beamed at me and slid into the seat across from mine. Raven smiled softly at me and carefully sat next to Jay. As the bus sped down the road, Drake took his crutches and put them between his legs. Jay leaned forward so she could look at me. "What are you doing on this bus?"

I laughed. "I'm your babysitter, remember?"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot. I forget things sometimes," she whispered as she nodded and looked down. 

Raven rubbed her back, making her smile at him. Drake quickly turned to me and whispered, "We all forget things sometimes. Doctors said it was because of our concessions."

I frowned. "Concessions?"

Robin leaned forward. "Concussions. He means concussions."

I didn't have a chance to ask where they got concussions before Drake was standing up. He held the crutches in front of him and made sure Raven was okay before making his way down the aisle. I followed him after Raven nodded in a gesture for me to go and heard the rest of them follow me. I extended my hand to Raven so I could catch him if he slipped. He gave me a grateful look and took his crutches back from Drake once he was on solid ground.

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