Chapter Nineteen: I Miss You

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Monroe's POV

"Where the hell were you?! You weren't at school yesterday!" James exclaimed as he plunked down at his usual lunch seat. 

William raised his binder and smacked James with it. "James, you moron, didn't you see the news?! He was in a car accident!"

James turned to William with a bewildered expression. "Oh, shit, really?" He snapped his head over to me and asked, "Are you hurt? Should you have taken more time off?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay. I just had to get a few stitches on my head."

James blew out a sigh of relief before taking a bite of his hamburger. "Was anyone else hurt?"

"Axel has a few cracked ribs, but his ribs should be all healed in about six weeks," I answered as I unpacked my lunch. "He's staying with us until his ribs aren't as much of a problem."

William paused, pencil above the paper as James froze with a half a tomato hanging out of his mouth.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"Axel and his siblings are staying at my house until Axel feels better," I said slowly. 

James smiled. "What are his siblings like? They seem like cute kids."

I smiled too. "They are! The oldest of the four of them is Drake, the one with green eyes. Then it's Robin, the one with hazel eyes, Raven, the one with black hair, and then Jay, the girl. They each have a designated color. Drake's is green, Robin's is red, Raven's is black, and Jay's is blue. Jay and Drake are the trouble-makers of the four. They argue a lot, but it's short-lived. Robin really likes to read. He's very intelligent for his age. Raven doesn't talk much. I've only heard him say about two full sentences since I've started watching them four weeks ago," I finished and ate a bite of my pizza.

My butt suddenly started vibrating, making me jump as William and James started to argue over something in mythology. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and smiled slightly when I saw it was a text from Axel. 

Hey, Monroe. What are you up to?

Texting you.

-_-  really? I would have never guessed.

I'm at school. I'm suffering.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that shit anymore. I can't wait for you to come back.

Why? I'll be there in three hours.

Because I miss you :(

And I miss seeing your cute little butt prancing around ;)

Well, you'll have to wait until your ribs are healed before you can have it again.

"Are you sexting your boyfriend?" James asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice as he peered over my shoulder.

"Really? Right in front of my salad?" Willam deadpanned as he gestured to his lunch which was, in fact, a salad.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I tilted my phone away from both of them. "No! I'm not 'sexting' my boyfriend!"

James ignored my words and asked, "So is he any good? I bet he is."

My face heated up even more. My phone buzzed in my hands, making me look down. 

That didn't stop you from giving me a handjob.

I'm going to kill him when I get home, I thought as James saw that text too. He gasped loudly and began to lecture me on sex before marriage. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my lunch, nodding along to what James was saying before he was abruptly cut off by William's binder.

I walked up to my front door and put the key in the lock before twisting both it and the doorknob. I stepped out of the way as Drake and Jay barreled past me, Robin not far behind. I turned around and smiled a bit when I saw Raven glaring at the steps leading up to the house. I picked up Raven and carried him up the porch steps and carefully set him down again when he was safely in the house.

I returned Raven's smile and shut the door before locking it once again. I picked up the backpacks strewn across the floor as I followed the sound of loud laughter to the living room. 

Drake was lying on his back, furiously trying to push away the multiple hands tickling his tummy as tears streamed down his face. Axel laughed as Drake took in a shuddering breath before cracking up again. I saw one of Raven's rare smiles surface at the sound of his brother's laughter. 

Robin began to laugh as he choked out, "You sound like a horse!"

"Hey―hahaha―sto―stop! No!" Drake choked out. 

I laughed quietly and sat down on the chair beside Jay. She grinned up at me and pulled a book out from behind her back. "Hi, Monroe! Will you read this to me?"

I took the book and looked down at the cover. It was a book on old vintage cars. I smiled at her. "Sure!"

As I opened to the beginning of the book, I noticed Drake had stopped laughing, though he was now panting heavily trying to catch his breath. Robin and Raven were both listening intently as I began to read. About halfway through the book, Jay placed her hand over the words, effectively stopping my reading.

"Monroe? Are we going to live with you forever?" Jay asked, a hint of excitement in her voice. 

I froze and discreetly looked around for Axel. He was nowhere to be found. Those siblings are a lot smarter than they let on.

I shook my head. "No, Jay. It's just until Axel feels better," I told her gently. 

She visibly deflated at that. "Oh. Okay."

I noticed her brothers sharing the same look of disappointment on their faces. I sighed and shut the book. "Guys, I would love to live you all the time. But I'm still in school. I can't move in with you guys yet."

Robin nodded. "We know, we just want you to be around all the time."

I smiled. "I know."

As the quartet watched Shrek the Third on the couch, Axel and I were having a quiet conversation on the chair. 

Axel chuckled quietly. "I cracked two ribs. I'm not crippled," he said in response to my scolding about disappearing places and not telling anyone. "Besides, you seemed engrossed in Jay's book. I didn't want to interrupt your flow."

I rolled my eyes. "Speaking of interrupting, don't send me stuff like that while I'm at school. Other people could see that stuff!" I whisper-yelled. 

"Why? Did someone see it?" he asked as he turned his attention away from the movie. 

I nodded as I filled my mouth with air. Axel laughed and pushed my cheeks, making me release all the air inside before he pressed a kiss to my lips. "Do you not want them at all?"

I looked away from him and turned my attention to Fiona trying to tell Shrek she's pregnant. "I never said that," I whispered quietly, my eyes never leaving the screen.

I smiled as Axel placed his arm around my shoulder and gave the top of my head a kiss.


Woo! Nineteen done! Next chapter will have a little time-skip, so don't be alarmed if you think you missed something.

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