Chapter Twenty Six: Seem A Little Off

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Axel's POV

"Thank you, Harrison," I said as I stepped out of the car and shut the door. Harrison raised his hand in a wave as he went to go park the car. I sighed and adjusted my tie as I stepped into the office. I rubbed my hands together in the elevator to try and get some warmth back into them.

I knocked on the door to Mr. Jones's office and mentally prepared myself for the day I was about to have. I decided to be considerate and placed the coffee on Mr. Jones's desk without the usual slam since he was on the phone. When I turned to leave to begin the usual routine, he motioned me to wait and quickly hung up. 

"Axel, my boy, there you are! I hope you're feeling better," he said as he got up and walked over to the filing cabinet on the other side of the room. 

I bristled at the 'my boy' comment but forced myself to remain calm. Getting angry would solve nothing. "Yes, I'm doing just fine. What did you need to tell me?"

He glanced at me as he put a few papers in the drawer before shutting it. "I've decided you're ready to begin the takeover of this company."

I blinked in surprise before quickly making my face look neutral as Mr. Jones began to speak once again. "The process will take about three weeks to complete, that is, if you can retain information well and complete the tests quickly."

I nodded and shook his hand when he held it out. "Thank you, sir, I'll do my best."

Mr. Jones laughed and said, "I sure hope so. You lasted this long; it would be a shame for you to quit now."

I felt a shiver run down my spine at the sound. The laugh didn't quite reach his eyes.

I thanked Harrison once again and got out of the car. I glanced behind me when I was standing in front of the door and lifted my hand in a wave. I chuckled quietly when I noticed Harrison only drove away when I got inside. Like a caring boyfriend would.

I set my things down on the floor by the quartet's backpacks and walked into the living room after kicking off my shoes. I paused in the doorway and leaned against it, smiling to myself as I took in the sight I would never get tired of. 

Monroe was sitting between Robin and Raven, all three of them taking turns reading from a Dr. Seuss book. Drake was lying on the floor next to Jay, pushing a large toy truck back and forth as Jay sat up and played with much smaller cars. 

"Ahh! Oh no, save us!" Jay said in a high-pitched voice as she rammed one car into another. She flipped one of the cars over and made an explosion noise before launching it in the air and dragging it back down to the floor.

I frowned and looked up, meeting Monroe's eyes. I jerked my head in the direction of the kitchen. I heard Monroe tell Robin and Raven to keep reading, he would be right back. 

"What's up?" Monore asked as he sat down on top of the kitchen counter. 

I decided to start with the good news first. "So you know that bitch of a boss I have?"

Monroe snorted. "Yeah, I know him."

"Well," I began as I stepped between his legs, Monroe automatically putting his arms behind my neck, "he said that I can start the takeover process tomorrow. It'll take about three weeks to complete, and then I won't have to worry about Jones any longer."

Monroe beamed at me and pulled my neck down to roughly kiss my lips. He pulled back a moment later, leaving me breathless. He pressed our lips together briefly before saying, "That's great, Axel!" 

I smiled down at him and connected our lips once again. I cupped his face in my hands and pulled back a bit. "You know," I said and pecked his lips once again, "it's been two weeks. And you did nothing except tease me the whole time. Grinding on me while we cuddled on the couch, bending over knowing I couldn't do anything to that perfect ass of yours."

Monroe whimpered against my mouth and clutched at my shoulders as I attacked his mouth with a vengeance. Monroe pulled away slightly and panted against my mouth. "Your siblings are in the other room," Monroe said as he caught his breath. He looked up at me from underneath his eyelashes. "But maybe later," he said as he moved me out of the way so he could get down. 

I watched as he walked over to the cabinet and pull out a skillet, bending over in the process. I smacked his ass quickly, earning me a glare as he put the skillet on the stove. I laughed and pressed a kiss to his lips before grabbing a knife to help him make dinner. I bit my lip as I thought back to what I saw earlier in the living room. "Hey, Monroe? Does Jay seem a you today?"

Monroe paused in what he was doing and glanced at me. He resumed his task of browning the ground beef before saying, "I mean, a little. She seemed lost in thought and a tad robotic at times, but she still talked and played like she normally would. Why? Is something wrong?" Monroe asked, voice becoming slightly panicked.

I quickly made sure none of my siblings were listening before lowering my voice. "She was making the cars crash into each other and explode." I began to speak in a normal voice again and said, "I know it's not too out of the ordinary for kids to do that, but..." I trailed off.

Monroe understood what I meant. "Okay, I'll be sure to keep an extra eye on her." 

Unfortunately, Monroe and I couldn't continue what we had initially started in the kitchen. He had to go home, so I loaded everyone up in the car and drove him. Maddison and Blake came outside to talk for a bit before going back inside. Monroe pressed his lips to mine before following his parents inside.

Before I put my siblings in bed, I called them all to the living room and told them to sit down. I took a deep breath before saying, "So you guys know that I have to go to work at an office, right?" When they nodded, I continued. "Well, I have to get the rights to the ownership of the company. My temporary boss said I can start the process of getting the rights to the company soon." I chuckled when I was met with blank stares. "It means I'll be at home more often."

At once, their eyes lit up. Amidst all the chatter, I heard Drake ask, "So if you're here more often, does that mean Monroe will stop coming to our house?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, Drake, he won't stop coming to our house."

I certainly hope not.

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