Chapter Eleven: Do You Wanna Stop?

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Axel's POV


"Wake up!"

"Open your eyes!"


I groaned and rolled over so I was facing them. "What do you four want?"

"Can we go to Sammy's house for a sleepover?" Jay asked as she clasped her hands in front of her face.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Which Sammy?"

"Sammy S.," Robin said. "He has a twin sister, so Jay can go too and won't be the only girl there."

I yawned. "Do their parents know you want to have a sleepover?"

Drake nodded. "They said we could go over today and take the bus home with them. Can we please go? We'll be good!"

I threw the blanket off me and stood up, making them all take a step back. I rubbed my hands down my face. "What's today? Friday?" At Robin's nod, I continued. "Do one of you have one of their parent's number?"

Raven nodded and hobbled away to his room. I looked at the rest of them and crouched down in front of them. "No causing trouble. No disrespecting their parents. If they make something you don't like, eat it anyway and eat something better when you get home. If I get a phone call for whatever reason, I'm not going to let you on another sleepover again until you're all teenagers. Got it?" I asked.

They all beamed at me and nodded. I sighed once again and stood up. "Go pack a bag."

I smiled as they cheered and ran to their rooms. Raven came back in and handed me a piece of paper with the name 'Olivia' and a number scribbled below. I told Raven to go pack a bag as I dialed the number. After a quick chat confirming it was okay and instructions to call me if she needed anything, I hung up and got dressed. I was going to finish making the appropriate changes to the construction company before I began taking over the law firm on Monday.

As I clipped on my watch, I realized I had forgotten to do something important. I sent a text to Monroe as I walked into the kitchen to start their breakfast. 

Hey! The quartet is going on a sleepover tonight, so you don't have to come over.

Oh, okay! Thanks for the heads-up!

I smiled as I took a sip of my coffee. He is too cute. It's common courtesy to tell someone when there are other plans. I sighed as my thoughts became invaded by him. He's so sweet. No wonder the kids want to be around him all the time. I wouldn't mind if he was here all the time, either.

In a moment of sudden bravery, I typed out a message.

If you don't have plans tonight, maybe I could take you on a date before we have a sleepover of our own.

Is that too forward? I thought. As I went to erase the message and try a subtler approach, a heavy force crashed into my legs. My finger slipped and accidentally hit 'send' instead of the 'erase all' button. I looked down when I had steadied myself and saw Jay and Drake wrapped around my legs. 

"Thank you, Axel!!"

I ran my hand through their hair as I looked at my phone and groaned mentally when I saw he had already read my message. "It's fine," I told myself more than them. "Are you going to let go so I can make breakfast?"

When they shook their heads, I sighed and went to the fridge to get out the eggs. I smiled at their giggles as I cracked the eggs into a bowl before whisking them together. I heat up a pan and dumped the mixture in. I put bread in the toaster and placed the scrambled eggs on five plates. I shook Jay and Drake off my legs and told them to go sit down. I placed the plates on the table before going back and getting their juice. 

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