Chapter Twelve: Just Relax

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Axel's POV


I captured Monroe's lips with mine in a hungry kiss. He opened his mouth once again, allowing me to properly explore it. He moaned when our tongues touched. I picked him up, allowing him to wrap his legs around my waist. He tore his lips away from mine and began to suck on my neck. I used the moment to make sure I didn't trip over anything on the way to my room.

Monroe pulled away and looked up at me when his back hit the mattress. His pupils were so dilated his blue eyes looked black. I quickly covered my mouth with his. I held the back of his neck with one hand while the other snaked around his waist. I pulled him closer and tilted his head back, giving me more access to his mouth. I used the hand around his waist to slowly push his shirt up. I smirked when I felt goose bumps break out over his skin. I broke the kiss long enough to pull his shirt off and toss it aside, mine quickly following.

I covered his small body with mine, kissing where his shoulder meets his neck. I quickly bit down, drawing a moan from Monroe, before licking the sting away with my tongue. I kept nipping at the skin on his neck while Monroe ran his hands down my back. I moved lower, trailing kisses down his torso. I crouched on the floor between his legs and felt Monroe shiver beneath me when I kissed just above the button of his jeans. 

I moved down and tugged off his shoes and socks before moving back up and unbuckling his jeans. "Lift your hips," I said as I quickly licked my lips. Monroe did so, allowing me to quickly pull off his jeans and boxers. I slowly licked my lips as I scanned Monroe from head to toe before kissing the base of his cock. I heard Monroe gasp as I wrapped my hand around him and gave him one slow pump. I trailed my lips from the base of his cock to the head, my hand following. I swirled my thumb around the head before taking him in my mouth, eliciting a loud moan from Monroe.

I slowly took him to the back of my throat while pumping him with one hand while the other squeezed his hip. I bobbed my head as I took him deeper and deeper. I looked up at Monroe under my lashes and saw him gripping the sheets as he desperately fought for breath, eyes turned to the ceiling. I hummed and closed my eyes again as I pumped him while hollowing my cheeks. I pulled my mouth off him when I felt him tense and said, "Go ahead. Cum."

I took him back into my mouth just as Monroe came with a loud shout. I swallowed what I could, and swiped at the cum dribbling down my chin with my thumb. I stuck my thumb in my mouth, making sure Monroe was watching me. I stood up and kicked off my shoes. Monroe got on his knees and stopped me before I could remove my jeans. "Let me," he whispered as he looked up at me. 

I nodded and let him lay me down on the bed. I watched with hooded eyes as he pulled off my socks before unbuckling my jeans. I lifted my hips so he could pull them off and gasped as he pressed a kiss to my clothed cock. He quickly removed my boxers and pressed a kiss to the head before taking it in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head before slowly taking me to the back of his throat. He used his hand to pump what he couldn't fit in his mouth. My head fell back against the pillows with a gasp as he used his other hand to cup my balls. My hand tangled in his hair as he bobbed his head up and down. My breathing came in short pants as he licked the vein on my cock.

I pulled him off when I felt my stomach tighten. I flipped him over and caged him between my arms. I leaned down and crashed my lips onto his, working my tongue in his mouth once again. Monroe moaned when my hand trailed down his side and squeezed his ass. I smirked and pulled back. Monroe's black hair stuck to his forehead, and his face was flushed. His eyes were closed and his bruised lips were desperately trying to suck in air. I leaned back down and gently cupped his face. His eyes opened and we stared at one another for a moment before I gave him a short kiss. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked in a low voice.

Monroe nodded. "Yes. I'm sure," he said in a breathless whisper.

I pressed another kiss to his lips before I pulled away and opened my nightstand. I pulled out a condom and the bottle of lube I had bought earlier before tossing them on the bed by his feet. I popped the cap open before squeezing some lube on my fingers. I slowly pushed in a finger and waited for Monroe to get used to the feeling before I began to move it. When he began to push back against my hand, I added another finger. I began to scissor him slowly as he moaned lowly. I leaned up and planted my lips onto his as I added a third finger. Monroe gasped loudly and clenched around my fingers when I hit a certain spot inside him. 

I smirked against his lips and hit that spot again, drawing a long breathless moan from Monroe. He panted against my lips as he rocked his hips on my fingers. He pulled away from my mouth to look me in the eyes. "Please. I'm ready," he said, slightly out of breath. I nodded and gave him one last kiss before I moved back down.

I rolled on the condom before grabbing the bottle once again. I opened it and poured it on my hand. I gave myself a couple strokes before I lined myself up with Monroe's entrance. I slowly pushed in as I grabbed his hip with one hand. I rubbed circles on his hip as I kissed his neck when I felt him tense. "It's okay, just relax. Push out," I whispered as I continued to rub circles on his hip. He blew out a breath and wrapped his arms loosely around my neck before doing as told. I pushed in further into him and groaned when I was fully inside him. "Fuck, you're tight."

I rested my head on the crook of his neck before kissing the spot. I placed my lips over his and whispered, "Whenever you're ready." Monroe nodded and leaned up to connect our lips. After a few minutes, he pulled back and nodded again, giving me the okay to move. 

I slowly pulled back before sinking back into him. Monroe moaned into our kiss. I continued the slow pace until Monroe thrust his hips up, causing me to groan in pleasure. He pulled away from my mouth long enough to say, "Faster," before he reattached our lips again. 

I sped up, snapping my hips into his. He moaned as he tightened his arms around my neck. He thrust his hips upward in time with my movements. His back arched off the bed with a gasp as I hit his prostate. His head fell back onto the pillows with a loud moan when I hit the spot again. "R-right there," he moaned as he thrust his hips again. 

I complied and began to thrust into him, going faster and harder than before. I reattached my lips to his neck and began to suck on the sensitive skin. I quickly bit down before soothing the sting with my tongue, causing Monroe to let out a string of incoherent moans. "Ah! A-Axel! I'm close!" Monroe cried as he clenched around my cock.

I bit his neck once again as I squeezed his hips. I felt Monroe's semen drench my chest as he reattached our lips. I grunted as I released into the condom and fell against him, rubbing his cum over both our chests. 

I panted against Monroe's lips as he held my face to his, pressing our foreheads together. After I had caught my breath, I slid out of him and peeled off the condom before throwing it in the trash. I pulled Monroe closer to me as I burrowed under the covers. I smiled as Monroe wrapped an arm across my chest and put one leg between mine. He looked up at me before sitting up.

He threw one leg over my waist and leaned down to press our lips together again. I felt myself growing hard as our tongues touched once again. Monroe pulled away and looked down at me. "Feel like round two?"

I smirked at him and cupped the back of his neck, bringing him closer so I could plant my lips on his. "Hell yeah."


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  Here's the second part, as promised! Also, I'm dying my hair for the first time today! I chose to do it a violet color. I can't wait to show everyone at school tomorrow. None of them know I'm doing this, so they're all going to lose it lmao

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