Chapter Five: I Do, Just Not at School

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Monroe's POV

I yawned as I opened my laptop Monday morning and continued to peruse the list of job opportunities. I was about to give up and shut my laptop when one caught my eye.

Need Babysitter

I clicked on it and began to read more information on the job. As I read, I nodded to myself. This sounds like something I could do. Apparently, I'm great with kids. Or so my neighbors say. I nodded to myself and contacted the person listed. 

As I put the phone to my ear, I stood up and pulled out my clothes for today―a white sweater, grey skinny jeans, and my favorite pair of black sneakers. I held the phone between my shoulder and ear as I listened to it ring. Just as it was about to go to voicemail, it clicked.


Oh, my God, his voice is deep. "Uh, hi! My name is Monroe Adders and I'm calling about your babysitter position."

I heard a shuffling on the other side. "Okay. Uh, I would like to meet in person just to talk and review your credentials before I officially hire you. Nothing against you, just―"

He stopped. I quickly spoke up. "Oh, no, I get it! I would want to meet the person I'm going to leave my child with, too. Just to make sure they aren't a weirdo or something," I rambled as I pulled on my jeans. Again with his voice! That's going to be the death of me!

I heard a chuckle from the other side of the phone. "Yeah, to make sure they aren't a weirdo."

I smiled upon hearing the noise before quickly shaking my head. Stop it! This is hopefully going to be your boss!! And you're going to be taking care of his kids! He's probably married, anyway.

I shook my head once more before focusing on what was being said. "―would you like to meet? Would today around 7 before school starts be good?"

I looked at the clock and nodded. Realizing he couldn't see me, I quickly said, "Yeah! Yeah, that sounds perfect! I'll see you soon, Mr. Monrico!" 

I heard more shuffling before he replied, "Yeah, see you soon."

I hang up and hurriedly pulled the rest of my clothes on. I grabbed my backpack and flew down the stairs. I poured some Lucky Charms in a bowl and splashed milk over the top. I was about to take a bite when my phone buzzed. 

Unknown Number:
1961 Arson Road

I tilted my head before I realized I never got Asher's address. Can I call my boss by his first name? Whatever, he's not here. I looked down at my phone when it buzzed again.

This is your boss btw

I giggled. 

I figured as much.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Mom asked as she sat at the table with a cup of coffee.

I put my phone away. "I might have a job after school."

Dad beamed at me. "That's great! What are you doing?"

I shrugged and stuffed more cereal in my mouth before it got soggy. "Babysitting."

Mom nodded. "You're good at that."

I smiled. "Thanks, Mom." I looked at the time and almost spit out my cereal. "Um, he wants to meet me before school starts, so I better get going. Love you both!" I called over my shoulder as I grabbed my backpack and went out the door. 

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