Chapter Twenty: Protection Officer

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Axel's POV

I walked into the ground floor of the hated office, iced coffee in hand. I pushed the up button on the wall for the elevator to take me up to the top floor. I sighed as I stepped into the empty elevator and closed my eyes. 

I missed waking up next to Monroe in the mornings. It's been about three weeks since the car accident, and we moved out of his parent's house about two weeks ago since I felt okay enough to walk around. I could even pick stuff up now, as long as it wasn't very heavy. 

The quartet was missing Monroe like crazy, too. They keep asking me when he's going to move in permanently, but I never answer them. How are you supposed to? I didn't even know if Monroe wanted to stick around for that long.

I stepped off the elevator when the doors opened and walked up to Mr. Jones's door, making sure to knock first. After I heard a muffled 'come in!' from behind the door, I stepped inside and placed the coffee on the desk with a slight slam. 

I ignored his shocked face and deadpanned, "I know I really shouldn't be working, but I need to take over as soon as possible, so the faster you decide I'm done being your secretary, the faster we can get this whole process done."

Riley recovered from his initial shock of seeing me and broke our short staring contest. He handed me a large stack of papers as he said, "You know, you may want to invest in a protection officer. He could drive you to and from work, too. If you want, I can recommend a couple to you," he said as he rifled through a drawer in his desk and slid a card over to me.

I shrugged, a movement that made me wince since I did it too suddenly (and violently). "Maybe," I responded as I put the card in the front pocket of my suit.

Truth be told, that wasn't a bad idea, and I was probably going to hire one, but I didn't want to give Jones the satisfaction of seeing me agree with him. We didn't exactly get along at the office, and I doubt we would get along anywhere. The last thing Jones needed was another ego boost from seeing someone he hated agreeing with him.

Riley frowned and rummaged around in his desk once again before placing a bottle of ibuprofen on the top of the desk. "If you need it at any point in the day, feel free to take some."

I nodded and left his office, tucking the stack of papers under my right arm. I yawned and pulled the papers back out to begin to shuffle through them, sorting the papers out so they could go to the proper place.

After I finished delivering the papers to the right departments, I began to walk back to Jones's office. I leaned against the wall and blew out a breath. I cracked my neck as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I looked at the card in my hand and dialed the number on it. I listened as it rang before there was a click and a "Hello, this is Collin's Protection Agency, how may we help you?"

I blew out a breath as I sat in my driveway, forehead on the steering wheel, thoroughly exhausted after being back at the office for the first time in two weeks. Eventually, I forced myself to get out of the car and unlocked the front door. As I walked into the house and shut the door behind me, I loosened my tie and began to walk to my room to change my clothes. 

As I was undoing the buttons of my white shirt, I noticed something was very wrong. 

It was way too quiet.

I quickly pulled on more comfortable clothes and began my search for the five important people in my life. I opened a few doors before freezing as I opened the door to Jay's room. I leaned against the doorframe with a smile as I gazed at the scene before me.

Jay and Robin were cuddled in front of Monroe, while Drake and Raven slept against his legs. I quietly shut the door and walked over to the bed, pulling out my phone. After a quick photo, I got in bed behind Monroe and wrapped my arms around his middle, careful not to wake him or my little brothers up. I pressed a kiss to the back of his head and closed my eyes, deciding a nap never hurt anyone.

I looked up at Monroe as he laid panting on my bed, trying his best to stay quiet as not to wake up my sleeping siblings. He wasn't being very successful, but I doubted he could when he was this close to his first orgasm in three weeks.

I closed my eyes as Monroe tightly gripped my hair with enough force to almost pull out a few strands. I swallowed around him as he erupted into my mouth with a strangled moan. 

I got off the floor after making sure Monroe was clean and got into bed with him. I pulled him close and kissed the top of his head when he yawned tiredly. I smiled at him as he looked up at me. I leaned over and pressed my lips to his.

Monroe pulled away after a moment and tucked his head under my chin and against my chest. He absentmindedly traced a random pattern on my chest as he asked, "How was your first day back at work?"

I sighed and pulled the blanket over us to combat the cold air of mid-November. "Exhausting. The guy who thinks he's my boss told me I should get a bodyguard."

"Are you going to?"

"Yeah. His name is Samuel Harrison, and he'll only work the same hours I do, so he won't be living with my family as other CPOs do," I said as I closed my eyes and buried my face in his hair. "The only time you'll see him is when he goes to pick up you and the quartet from school."

Monroe pulled away slightly and looked up at me, confusion written all over his face. "Why would he pick us up from school?"

"I know getting on and off the bus can't be easy for Raven, so I'm hoping this will be a little bit easier on him."

Monroe pressed his lips to mine once again before laying back down to resume our previous cuddling position. "That's a great idea. Thank you."

I wrapped my arm around his waist and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. "You don't have to thank me. I'd do anything for you."


Hell yeah! Chapter twenty done. And yes, I know it's not Sunday. I just really wanted to get this chapter out. And yes, I will still update Sunday.

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