Chapter Fifteen: Creepy Ass Clown

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Monroe's POV

I knocked on the door as I pulled Axel's sweater closer to my body, hoping it could fend off the cold slowly seeping into me. Despite it only being five o'clock, it was already almost completely dark outside. I smiled down at Drake as he threw the door open. 

"Monroe! Hi!" he said loudly as he smiled brightly at me. I heard a few loud gasps and the sound of a few more sets of footsteps running down the hall before Jay and Robin burst into view. They grinned at me and almost knocked me off my feet with the force of their hugs. I laughed and hugged them back.

"I see you guys have a theme going on," I said once I was in the warmth of their house and had set the bag of food on the table. All of them were dressed as a member of the Ninja Turtles. Jay was Leonardo, Drake was Michaelangelo, and Robin was Donatello. I'm guessing Raven was Raphael. I turned in his direction when I heard the tell-tale clonking of his crutches. Axel was following behind them and smiled when he saw me. 

"Hey," he said as he quickly pecked my lips.

"Hey yourself," I said. I chuckled as the four of them ran off giggling, Raven smiling and hobbling along behind them. "Why do they do that?"

Axel laughed. "Who knows? At least I can do this without an audience," he whispered as he leaned down and cupped my face. I smiled before pressing my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and opened my mouth, his tongue meeting mine. I pulled away before the kiss could get too heated.

Drake poked his head around the corner before walking into view. He had pushed his mask up so he could talk without his voice being muffled. "Can we go now? All the good candy's going to be gone."

Axel rolled his eyes. "For the last time, Drake, trick or treating doesn't start until six o'clock. It's only five-fifteen and we have to eat dinner first."

"Then we'll go after we eat dinner?"

"If it's six o'clock, then yes." Drake nodded and ran back into the living room. Axel gave my lips a quick kiss once more before asking, "Did you bring what I asked?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I put it on the table."

Axel smiled. "Thank you, for getting dinner. Those four are a pain to drag around."

I laughed. "It's not a problem. Let's go eat."

After all the food was gone and Axel insisted on paying me back, we finally left the house and began to walk down the street. There were many other families walking around with their kids, so we weren't too worried when the quartet decided to walk a little ways ahead.

I tilted my head as I watched them run back towards us after they go their candy from an old lady. "Isn't it weird how their character reflects their personalities?"

Axel also tilted his head. "Yeah, they do." 

Robin came running back to us looking freaked out and very nervous and turned to Axel. "Axel, can you walk up with me on the next house?"

Axel looked up at the next house and laughed. The man passing out candy was dressed as a clown. "Yeah, I'll go with you." Axel leaned down and whispered, "He hates clowns. Doesn't trust 'em."

I smiled and watched as Robin tightly held on to his brother's hand. Jay came running back to me. "Hey, Monroe! Since you and Axel are boyfriends now, when are you going to move in?"

I whipped my head over to look at her. "What?! Move in?!"

Drake nodded beside his sister. "Yeah, move in! Isn't that what people do after they've been dating for a while?"

I laughed nervously. "Guys, we've only been dating for a week. It's way too soon for me to move in with you guys. Don't get me wrong, I really like you guys," I said at the sight of their crestfallen faces, "but I'm still in school, and I have to focus on my work."

Raven hobbled over on his crutches. "We your work."

"No, my school work. I can't do that if I'm always around you guys," I said as I looked back up, desperately hoping Axel would show up and stop them from talking about this awkward topic. However, he was still trying to coax Robin to take candy from the clown.

They sighed but nodded. "Yeah, I get it," Jay said. She looked back up at me. "If I was around my friends all the time, I would never get anything done!"

I smiled. "Exactly."

Drake spoke up. "But what about when you don't have school work anymore?"


"Monroe! Did you see me?! I took candy from that creepy ass clown!!" Robin yelled as he held up his hands, showing me a few chocolates and a lollipop.

My eyes widened as Axel burst out laughing. "Robin!!"


"You can't say that!"

"Say what?"

Axel chuckled and ruffled Robin's hair. "Ass, Robin. You can't say ass."

Robin looked down. He looked back up and shrugged. "Oh, okay. Let's go."


"I got a rock."

I laughed as I pulled an Almond Joy out of the pile of Robin's candy and put it in the bucket with the other coconut candies. Axel looked up at me from over Drake's pile. "You okay?"

I nodded with a giggle. "Yeah, I love Charlie Brown." 

Axel smiled before he looked at the table, a sad look covering his face. "My parents would always turn this on after we went trick or treating. It's a tradition I didn't want them to forget," he explained as he turned his head towards the living room, where we could just hear the TV playing. 

I smiled as I heard the quartet laugh. Axel chuckled once before sniffing and shaking his head. I stood up and walked to the other side of the table before pulling him into a hug. I pressed a kiss to the top of his head as he rested his head against my shoulder and threw his arms around me. I rubbed his back as he composed himself. He sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out through his mouth. He pulled me into his lap and continued to sort through the candy, occasionally taking out another coconut candy and putting it the bucket. 

"Why are we taking out the coconut candies? Is one of them allergic?"

Axel laughed and shook his head. "No, those are my favorite."

I laughed and cuddled against his chest. "I hope you enjoy sharing, 'cause those are my favorite, too."

He pressed a kiss to my lips. "I'll always be happy to share with you."

I smiled and pressed my lips to his once more before moving back over to the other side of the table. "We should finish sorting through all this."

Axel smirked at me. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to be sorting through this tomorrow."

"Why would we be sorting through this tomorrow?"

"Because once the quartet over there is asleep, I have no intention of sorting through candy."

I swallowed as what he was implying registered in my head. I felt a blush work it's way up my face as my pants became tighter. I looked up at him and bit my lip.

"Guess we better hurry then."


OMG, I can't believe Robin cursed! How dare he?! Also, how do you feel about the four's costumes? Fitting, isn't it? Okay, let me know what you think!

Also, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day~!

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