Chapter Four: Really Guys?

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Axel's POV

I sighed as my ringtone went off in the middle of a meeting. I had no doubt who it was, and I was less than happy to have to answer. I excused myself from the table and answered it as I stepped into the hallway.


"That's it! I'm done! I quit! I'm never going to watch those, those, demons ever again! Good luck finding a new babysitter, I quit!"

As the dial tone reached my ears, I closed my eyes with a heavy sigh and rested my head against the wall. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes. My head began to throb. Why couldn't they just pretend to get along with a babysitter?

I pushed off the wall and went back inside. I grabbed my coat and turned to Jackson. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Phelps, but I have to get going. There's been a bit of an...emergency. Maybe we can continue this later?"

Jackson nodded with a warm smile. "Of course, Mr. Bianchi. Despite what everyone is saying, there's no rush for you to take over your father's company. Take all the time you need, I'll catch you up to speed whenever you return."

I nodded in thanks and made my way down to the parking garage. As I drove home, my agitation only grew. Why did they have to make it so difficult to find a good babysitter? 

When I reached home, I pulled out my keys to unlock the door when it was wrenched open. I looked at the fuming lady in front of me. I paid her for what she did do today and watched with irritation as she pushed past me and into her car before driving away. 

I sighed as I walked into the house. Robin was stretched out on the couch reading a book about snakes while Raven was listening to music on his iPod. Jay and Drake were playing with cars on the floor. All of them looked up when the front door slammed shut. I sighed through my nose and held eye contact with all of them until they looked away. I sighed again and shook my head. "Really guys? That's the fifth babysitter this week."

I turned around and went to my room, ignoring the guilty looks exchanged between them. I stripped off my clothes as I made my way to the attached bathroom, deciding I should calm down some before I blew up at them. I turned on the water and jumped in the shower. I sighed as the hot water pelted my back.

As I ran my hands through my hair, I thought back to all my past babysitters. One was too rude, another yelled too much, the third one ignored them, and I forgot what was wrong with the others. I sighed. Maybe I should just start coming home early from the office. I shook my head. I couldn't do that. Not when everything we own is at stake.

I sighed again and stepped out of the shower. I shivered at the cold air before wrapping a towel around my waist. I grabbed another one and ran it through my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror. My beard was starting to get long, and there were slight bags under my eyes.

I picked up the scissors and trimmed my beard, then ventured into my room. After a quick glance at the time, I pulled on an old Panic! shirt with some sweatpants. I walked back into the living room and ordered Chinese over the phone. As soon as I hung up, Robin jumped in my lap and buried his face in my chest. 

"I'm sorry Axel! Please don't hate us!" he sobbed as he clutched at my shirt the best he could. 

Upon hearing their brother cry, everyone else began to cry, too, except Raven. However, it looked like he was barely containing himself. His lower lip trembled violently as he silently hobbled over to the couch and tucked himself into my side. I sighed and opened my arms. Jay and Drake wasted no time in running over and jumping into my outstretched arms.

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