Chapter Fourteen: So It Begins

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Axel's POV

"Okay Mr. Bianchi, just take the elevator to the top floor," the receptionist said after she checked my name in on the computer. I nodded and adjusted my tie, hating having to wear one. Once I stepped out onto the floor, I walked over to the other receptionist who quickly directed me to the office of the man who would show me the ropes, Mr. Jones.

Mr. Riley Jones was an old man, about sixty, and worked in the law firm for many years as a board member before temporarily taking over as CEO. I knocked on the door before pushing it open once I heard a "Come in!"

Mr. Jones turned around in his chair and smiled at me. "Ah, Mr. Bianchi. Just in time," he said as he got up. 

"Hello, Mr. Jones. I've seen your work so far and I trust you will teach me well," I said politely as I extended my hand towards him for a handshake. He looked at my hand before placing something in it.

I looked at the money in my hand as he turned me around. "I want a caramel iced coffee, two shots of espresso, one pump vanilla, and a blueberry muffin," Mr. Jones smoothed out my jacket before adjusting my tie. He smiled at me once again. "Get yourself something, while you're out there."

I blinked in shock as he closed the door in my face. I looked down at the money in my hand once again and felt anger fester in the pit of my stomach. I opened the door again and glared at Mr. Jones, who looked shocked I was still here. I took a deep calming breath before I opened my mouth.

"Mr. Jones. I am here to learn how to run this company so I can rightfully take it over. I appreciate everything you've done at the time of my mother's passing until now, but the time for you to run things is quickly being depleted. Now, please teach me what I need to know," I said as I threw the money back on his desk, "and not have me do menial chores your PA could easily do."

Mr. Jones blinked in shock before smiling at me again. "Why, Axel, I am teaching you how to run the company. This company is built on the work of our secretaries. You must first learn how they work before you learn how I work. It will be a very slow process, so you may as well let me continue to manage the company's business."

I grit my teeth at the bullshit he was spewing from his mouth. "No, Riley. My parents wanted me to have their companies, so I will. What you need to do is train me to take over as the head of the company, not have me see how our secretaries work."

Mr. Jones clenched his jaw. "And I will prepare you for that moment. I feel like you will get a much better first-hand experience with how things work around here if you spend time working as a secretary. Don't worry, you won't be down in the lobby. You'll be working as my PA, which means," he held up a hand as I opened my mouth to argue with him again, "you will attend meetings with me and learn through a hands-on experience. Once I feel like you understand how this ship is run, then we will talk about letting you run the company as a test run before you take it over."

I bit my tongue. I didn't come here to be someone's personal assistant, but it seems like I was left with no choice. "Fine. What do I do?"

Mr. Jones smiled before he picked up the money off the table. "You can start," he said as he put the money in the pocket of my jacket, "by getting that coffee I wanted."

I grit my teeth once again. "Okay, I'll be back soon." 

Mr. Jones stopped me as I went to open the door. "Ah, ah, ah. Since you're my PA, for the time being, you will address me as 'sir' and answer with 'yes' or 'no', not 'okay'."

I exhaled through my nose to keep from breaking a few of his teeth in. "Yes, sir."


"―and then he was all, 'you will address me as 'sir' blah blah blah'," I said as I paced in my bedroom, venting to Monroe who was sitting on the edge of my bed. I groaned as I sat next to him and put my head in my hands. "Why did I agree to be his PA?"

Monroe was dressed in a pair of Batman pajamas and one of my shirts. He was spending the night again, much to both me and my siblings' joy. They like it when he tucks them in at night, mostly because he reads them a story. My joy was for reasons a lot less innocent. He was sitting quietly listening to me rant for the past five minutes about the asshole I have for a boss.

Monroe laid his head against my shoulder as he wrapped one arm around me in a comforting hug. "It's not like Riley left you much of a choice. There really wasn't anything you could do at that moment. He had you backed into a corner," he said as he rubbed my back. 

I sighed and picked him up, placing him in my lap before burying my face in his soft hair. "I know," I said as I rested my chin on the top of his head. "I just wish he wasn't such a douchebag. It's like he was degrading me." I groaned as I fell back against the bed, pulling Monroe with me. He landed on top of my chest with his legs straddling my hips. "The worst part is I can't fire him because technically I hold no real power there."

Monroe began to undo the tie I had yet to take off as he tilted his head. "Well, the good news is you only have to deal with him until you take over the company. After that, you can fire him and just find a replacement," He said as he threw the tie on the floor. He grabbed my face between his hands, forcing me to look at him. "Just forget about him. He's not worth it." Monroe pressed a kiss to my lips before moving back. 

I smiled at him and flipped us over so I was nestled between his legs. "I don't think I can, at least, not that easy. However, that kiss you gave me seemed to help," I said as I leaned down and covered my lips with his. 

Monroe pulled away slightly. "Aren't your siblings going to hear us?"

I smirked at him. "They're asleep and at the other end of the hallway. Don't worry about them," I said as I glanced behind me to make sure the door was locked, just in case. 

Monroe nodded and pressed his lips to mine once again, helping me forget about the day I had.


Oof sorry about not updating yesterday. I forgot :/

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