Chapter Twenty Seven: It's An Emergency

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Axel's POV

I sighed happily as I waved goodbye to Harrison, glad I was done for the day. Jones said my training was done, so I didn't need to be at the office all hours of the day like before. I would still need to come in, but only for the standard bit of paperwork and the occasional meeting or two with other company leaders. Once I finished the last of the paperwork and attended the coronation on Friday, I would officially own my mother's company.

A sad smile crossed my face at the thought of my mother. Are you proud of me, Mom? I'm doing my best to raise the quadruplets. I know what you mean now when you said it's not as easy as it looks to raise a kid properly. My eyes stung with unshed tears. I'm sorry, Mom. It's not fair you were taken from us so soon.

I quickly shook the thoughts away and wiped my eyes, sending one last 'I love you' to Mom before I unlocked the door and entered the house. I stepped into the living room and was immediately surrounded by small children. "Axel!! You're home early!"

I chuckled as I gathered them all in my arms for one big hug. "Hey, guys! How was school?"




Raven just shrugged.

I laughed and crouched down so I was eye-level with all of them. "So guys, guess what?"

"What?" Robin asked excitedly as he bounced up and down on his feet. He suddenly stopped. "Do you actually want us to guess? Is Mon―"

"We're going out for ice cream! Go get ready," I said, cutting Robin off before he could say what I knew he was going to say. I looked up at Monroe, who was leaning against the doorframe, after they all disappeared down the hallway before standing up and pulling him into my arms. I covered his mouth with my own and forced myself to pull away before it could get too heated.

Monroe smiled up at me as he wrapped his arms around my neck, something he was only able to do since I was leaning over. "Do I get to know what you have to tell them?"

I chuckled and pressed our lips together briefly. "Nope. It's a surprise for all of you."

Monroe pouted at me, but before he could try to press me for answers, three little gremlins came barreling towards us, the last one not far behind. I'm convinced Raven has some kind of hidden jetpack or propellor because there is no possible way he can be that fast while using crutches.

Jay grabbed my hand while Drake and Robin grabbed Monroe's. "Let's go now! Before the ice cream place closes!"

I sat down as I placed a bowl of mint chocolate chip in front of Drake and Robin, while Raven accepted his bowl of strawberry. Monroe grabbed a napkin and wiped Jay's already messy chin free of cookies and cream. I smiled at the scene in front of me and caught Monroe's eye. He gave me a little smile before pushing the bowl of cookie dough we were sharing over to me. "So what did you have to tell us?"

I ate a spoonful of ice cream before pushing the bowl back towards Monroe. "Jones said I officially take over this Friday."

Monroe gasped before he beamed at me. "That's great, Axel! Now you won't have to spend as much time at the office."

Drake gasped loudly. "You told us that last week!" He eagerly turned to Monroe, a look of uncertainty on his face. "You're still gonna babysit us, right?"

Monroe blinked in shock. "Of course I will, guys." Monroe quickly glanced at me and was met with a smile. He turned back towards Drake. "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

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