Chapter Twenty Two: Find a Caregiver

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Axel's POV

I waved at Harrison as he drove away. Samuel Harrison had been my driver and "bodyguard" for about five weeks now since I've gone back to work. We've talked a few times, just enough for me to learn he's married and has three kids, all boys, the oldest being seven, middle child four, and the youngest is two. He seems very nice, but he doesn't talk much.

I turned back to the house and walked in the door, eager to get in bed and sleep. I've been pretty tired lately, and my headaches are getting worse. I'm pretty sure I'm just getting a cold. Christmas is in seven days and now's around the time I usually the time I get sick.

I blew out a breath and wandered into the living room, tugging at my tie as I did so. I smiled at the typical scene in front of me. Robin had his nose buried in a new book from the library, Raven was tapping his fingers to the beat of whatever song he was listening to, Drake was playing cars with Jay, and Monroe was typing away at his laptop.

I yawned and stepped into view. Jay was the first to notice and sprang off the floor, yelling, "Axel!! You're home!!" I caught her before she could crash into my legs and showered her face in kisses. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

I carried her back to where Monroe was sitting and sat down beside him. Drake, Robin, and Raven all piled up beside us. I looked over their heads at Monroe and smiled at him. He mirrored my smile and ushered everyone off. "Okay, okay, guys, come on. We gotta go make dinner," Monroe said as he began to lightly push Robin off his lap. Jay reluctantly slid off my lap and allowed me to stand up. 

I only took two steps before I collapsed to the ground.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned and tried to pry open my eyes so I could turn off my alarm, but to no avail. I couldn't open my eyes. I tried again, and luckily, this time it worked. I frowned as I looked around the room. 

When did I get to the hospital?

My gaze eventually fell onto Monroe cuddled up with my sleeping siblings on the couch across from me. I smiled slightly and forced my legs to work. Eventually, I sat up and swung them over the bed. Unfortunately, in doing so I had made a lot of noise and woken up Monroe. He sleepily blinked his eyes open and surveyed his surroundings before he looked at me. His eyes widened and he immediately got up, careful not to wake the sleeping children. 

"No, no, no! Don't get up!" Monroe said in a hushed tone as he lightly pushed on my chest in an effort to get me to lay back down. 

"What happened?" I asked quietly as I stayed in place. My throat felt scratchy and my body ached. Monroe quickly noticed and got me a little paper cup filled with water.

"You collapsed suddenly. The doctor said it was a combination of exhaustion and dehydration." Monroe frowned at me. "How much sleep are you getting?"

I snorted and placed the cup on the table next to the bed. "Not enough, apparently." I sighed at Monroe's worried expression. "Maybe two or three hours a night."

Monroe sighed and pushed me back so I was lying on my back. "Don't get up. Go back to sleep."

"I'm not tired." I pulled Monroe down next to me. "But I will stay in bed if you agree to lay down with me."

Monroe sighed but laid down beside me. He pulled the hospital blanket up to his neck, which only covered about half my chest. He rolled over so he was facing me. "Can you at least try to get some more sleep?"

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