Chapter Sixteen: Blackout

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Axel's POV

"Okay, thank you again, Maddison," I said as I got out of my car.

"Oh, it's no problem at all, dear. Just have him home by ten," she said before she hung up.

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket before opening the doors of the kids' school. I walked up to the security desk and smiled at the guard sitting in the chair. "Hi, I'm here to pick up the Bianchi's."

"Your name?" The guard asked as he typed something on his computer.

"Axel Bianchi."

The guard nodded once he saw my name and called someone on his phone. "Hi, we have an early release for the Bianchi siblings. Yes, all four of them. Okay, thank you."

Before he went back to work, I stopped him. "Um, is it possible to add another person for the ability to pick up the kids early?"

The security guard nodded and typed away on his computer. "Okay, what's this person's name?"

Once I had given him all of Monroe's information, I thanked him and sat down on the bench to wait for the quartet to show up. I heard them long before I saw them.

"We get to leave early! We get to leave early! Sucks to be you, 'cause you don't! We get to leave early!" They sang as the ones who could skip skipped down the hallway. Raven, as usual, was not joining in and instead was focusing on not falling on his face.

I stood up and caught them as they threw themselves at me. I winced when Robin's cast thunked against my ribs. "Hey, guys."

"Hi, Axel!"

"Why are we getting picked up early?"

"It doesn't matter why, Robin! Only that we are!"

"Sorry, Drake, for wanting to make sure it's not another surprise doctor's visit!"

I rolled my eyes as Drake gasped and turned to me with wide eyes. "Is it another surprise doctor's visit?"

"No. You four are going to spend the afternoon at Monroe's house with his mom," I said as I led them out the doors of the school and into the car.

Raven paused before he got in the car. "No Monroe?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm taking him on a date this afternoon. His mom offered to watch you guys," I said as I helped him in the car. I frowned as I took his crutches from him. "Are your crutches still giving you issues?"

Raven nodded with a light blush dusting his cheeks. I smiled softly at him and shifted my gaze between Robin and Raven. "Only three more months, guys. Then you both can get your casts removed."

Once I was parked in the driveway, I got out and passed Raven his crutches again and followed them up to the front door. Madison opened the door before I had the chance to knock. "Hey, guys, come in. I made cookies."

I rolled my eyes as Raven pushed past his siblings to get in the door. "Thank you, again, for agreeing to watch them."

Madison waved me off. "It's no trouble, really. It's nice to have a bunch of little guys in the house again."

I smiled at her and waved as I got in the car. I drove back to my house and quickly changed out of my suit. I pulled on the usual attire for me and grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys out of the pockets of my suit jacket before leaving the house once again. 

I quickly drove to Monroe's school and looked at the time. Good, he should be getting out in two minutes. I sent a quick text to Monroe to tell him not to get on the bus and go out the front entrance. I got out of the car and leaned against the hood to wait for the bell to ring.

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