Chapter Twenty Four: I Love Him

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Axel's POV

I frowned and tightened my grip on Monroe's waist as he began to shift around. Just as I was about to fall asleep again, Monroe picked up my arm and tried to remove it from around his waist. I grumbled and pulled him closer again before burying my head in the crook of his neck.

"Axel," Monroe whispered as he turned around in my hold. He pushed on my head to try to remove it from his neck, only for him to give up a few tries later after I wouldn't move. "I have to get up."

"No. Hold still," I grumbled, still tired and slightly grumpy.

I heard Monroe chuckle and run his hand through my hair. I sighed and kissed his neck before shifting so he was lying down beside me with me halfway on top of him, my face still buried in his neck. Monroe began to push on my chest. "Axel, I can't go back to sleep! I have to help the quartet get ready for school," he groaned, pushing on my chest all the while.

I groaned loudly before rolling off of him, the blanket cocooning around me in the process. "Fine."

Monroe giggled as I felt the bed dip beside my neck. I opened my eyes to see Monroe's eyes peering into mine, a smile adorning his face. "You're grumpy when you're tired," Monroe whispered before pressing his lips against mine. I smiled against his mouth and cupped Monroe's face as I moved my mouth against his. He pulled back all too soon for my liking and clambered off the bed. 

I sighed and sat up, scratching my head as I did before dropping my hand back into my lap. I watched him scurry over to the closet before taking down one of my favorite T-shirts and pulling it over his naked torso. He bent over to pick his jeans off the floor, giving me a perfect view of his ass clad in tight black boxers. I groaned as I looked up at the ceiling before turning my attention back to him. "You love teasing me, don't you?"

Monroe didn't say anything and gave me a look, but I saw the light blush on his cheeks. I smiled and threw the covers off of me and tried to stand up. Keyword being tried.

"No, no no!" Monroe said as he pushed on my chest. "Don't get up!"

I blinked at him and tried to get up again. Monroe pushed both hands on my chest once again to try and stop me. I rolled my eyes but decided to humor him and stopped moving. "I'm hungry."

"I'll send someone with your breakfast."

I groaned and tried to get up once again, only for Monroe to 'prevent' me from getting up. "I don't want to stay in bed all day."

Monroe pressed his lips together. "What part of bedrest do you not understand?" I mimicked his action, initiating a staring contest between us. He sighed but dropped his hands. "Fine. Just stay on the couch." 

I leaned up and pressed our lips together before standing up suddenly. I laughed as Monroe stumbled a bit and kissed the top of his head when he glared at me. "Sorry, darling."

I pulled on a clean set of clothes and followed him down the hallway. I shut the kids' doors after we made sure they weren't in there. As we walked into the living room, I was immediately surrounded by four little goblins clutching my legs. I cursed at them (low enough so they wouldn't hear me) for making me stumble. I caught myself before I could fall and gave them all a hug as best I could since I couldn't bend over to give them each a proper hug without crushing one of them. 

"Are you okay, Axel?!" Drake asked as he rested his chin just above my hip and stared up at me. 

I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired lately."

Robin, Jay, Drake, and Raven stopped squeezing the life out of my legs. They looked up at me before saying in perfect sync, "Then go to bed."

I laughed, amused at the little glares they gave each other afterward and told them to go get ready for school. I watched as they all ran to their rooms, Raven hobbling along behind them, and flinched as their doors slammed shut. I wandered into the kitchen and licked my lips as the smell of bacon filled my nose. I wrapped my arms around Monroe's waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. I tilted my head down slightly and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, smiling as I felt his body shiver in my arms.

"You know, you were teasing me quite a bit earlier," I murmured between kisses to his neck. "Bending over to give me a perfect view of your ass, knowing full well I couldn't have it." I bit into the crook of his neck, causing a moan to escape past Monroe's lips.

Monroe turned his head to glare at me out of the corner of his eye. "Don't do that," he said with no real conviction. "You'll get me hard and your siblings are still here." As he spoke, he exposed more of his neck to me. I smiled against his skin and pressed another kiss there, causing Monroe glare at me once again. "Why are you here, anyway? You're supposed to be on the couch resting!"

I sighed dramatically but let him go. I sat down on the couch and threw one arm over the back of it while propping my feet up on the other end. I began to flip through the channels and stopped when I saw the best news I've had in a while. 

"Darling! They're playing iCarly on Nickelodeon again!" I called out to Monroe. I pressed my lips together when he didn't respond and turned my attention back to the television which was now playing a Christmas episode of Spongebob. 

I sighed at the reminder that Christmas was only eight days away. I looked around and noted that we would have to put up the Christmas tree soon. Luckily, I already bought everything for the quartet, but getting Monroe a present would be much harder. Not because I didn't know what to get him, but because he wouldn't leave my side so I could go get it. 

I turned my head as the clicking sound of Raven's crutches approached. He was followed closely by his brothers with Jay riding on Robin's back. I laughed slightly and said, "Jay, if Robin falls, he's going to get hurt."

Jay pouted but slid off her brother's back. She walked over and sat down beside me before leaning back so her head was resting against my arm. Drake sat down beside her and asked, "So is Monroe living with us forever now?"

I groaned and looked up at the ceiling. "Ask me again when he graduates."

I heard them groan before I felt the couch dip on the other side of my legs and in front of me. I looked in front of me at Raven before scanning each of my sibling's disappointed faces. "Do you really want him to move in that much?"

Robin, Jay, and Drake all perked up. "Yes!"

Raven looked at his siblings before turning to me. He looked me dead in the eyes and said:

"Of course. I love him."

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