Chapter Nine: One Down, One To Go

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Axel's POV

I shot up and looked down the hallway. When another scream pierced the air, I muttered curses under my breath and threw the blankets off my body. I noticed Monroe stumbling after me as I ran down the hallway.

She hasn't had a night terror in weeks, I thought as I pushed open her door. 

Jay was thrashing around in her sleep, eyes open wide with terror. Sweat rolled down her forehead as another scream reverberated around the room. I grit my teeth but didn't go nearer to Jay.

Monroe slid to a stop next to me. "What's going on?! What's wrong with her?"

"Night terror." I put a hand out in front of him to stop him from entering the room. "She would get them in the hospital. The doctors said trying to comfort or wake her up could make the terror worse. We just have to wait it out," I said while never taking my eyes off her. My heart ached as tears rolled down her face and she screamed again.

Monroe looked pained at my explanation as he too looked at Jay. "How long do you usually have to wait?"

"Ten minutes, but they can last up to about half an hour or maybe more," I said. 

After about twenty minutes of nonstop screaming and crying, Jay settled down and fell back asleep. I cautiously stepped into the room and ran my hand through her sweaty hair. I didn't notice when Monroe had left my side, but he came back and handed me a cool washcloth. I placed it on her head before giving her forehead one last kiss and leaving her room. I walked back down the hall to my room and face-planted on the bed. 

I felt Monroe sit next to me. "I'm guessing she would have these often?"

I nodded. 

I sighed as I felt Monroe run his hand through my hair. "What happened? To cause these?"

My throat tightened and I felt my chest ache. I squeezed my eyes shut. When I had composed myself, I opened my eyes and looked into Monroe's worried blue eyes. "Can we talk about it in the morning?"

Monroe nodded and laid down next to me. I pulled the blanket over the both of us and pulled him closer to me by his waist, his back flush with my front. I heard Monroe sigh as he closed his eyes and turn so his face was pressed against my chest. I burrowed my face in his soft black hair and tried to relax again as he slowly rubbed my back.

I knew Jay wouldn't have another night terror, but I still worried about her. It had been three weeks since she had one. The doctors said they were most likely caused by the stress of the car accident. 

My throat tightened once again as I thought of what I would tell Monroe in the morning. I would tell him everything that had happened. To be completely honest, I had no idea why. Something about him seems familiar. Home-y. Safe. I knew despite only knowing him for five days, I could trust him with not only my life but the lives of my siblings.

With Monroe comfortably wrapped in my arms and his faint apple scent drifting into my nose, I fell into the most peaceful sleep I've had in almost two months.

I grunted as I felt an elbow dig into my back between my shoulder blades. I looked over my shoulder and rolled my eyes when I saw Drake smile at me. I turned back around and closed my eyes. I opened them again with a glare when I felt another, much heavier hit to my ass. "What?"

Robin removed his cast from my ass and said, "We're hungry."

I sighed. "Come back when all your siblings are awake."

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