Chapter Twenty Nine: White Noise and Gun Shots

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Axel's POV

"Mr. Bianchi," Jones said as he signed his name at the bottom of a file we went over yesterday. I finished typing the last sentence of an email and sent it before I turned towards him. "Your coronation for officially taking over the company is this Friday. Are you positive you want to go through with it?"

I inhaled to keep from cussing him out and slowly released my breath. "Mr. Jones. Yes, I'm positive I want the company. If I didn't, I wouldn't have been here for this long. Besides, you can't take my mother's company away from me."

Riley's nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed dangerously as he reached into his desk. My eyes widened and I jumped out of the seat I was in, papers flying and the laptop crashing to the ground. I raised my hands as Riley pointed the gun at me. "Yes, I can. I can take your mother's company away from you."

I slowly backed towards the door, only for Riley to push a button on the underside of his desk. I cursed mentally as a loud click echoed throughout the room and the windows frosted over, blocking the view both inside and out.

I slowly moved to one side as Riley circled the desk. He examined the gun for a moment before pointing it at me once again. I swallowed and asked, "What do you want, Riley?"

Riley's face contorted in anger before he said, "I want you to address me with respect! It's Mr. Jones to you! And secondly," Riley said as he attempted to calm down, "I thought it was obvious. I want your company. I thought I had it when your parents died, and for about two months everything was going great! But then, you showed up and demanded I give you the company I worked for so long in!"

Riley sighed and rubbed his forehead. I looked around for anything I could use to defend myself. Riley caught my action and thrust the gun in my direction again. I froze and raised my hands up higher. Riley kept the gun trained on me as he continued, "You, who had never even stepped foot in the building, wanted to take it over just because your mommy left it for you."

I felt my blood boil at the mocking tone in his voice when he spoke about my mother.

"But really, it is a tragedy what happened to your parents. For that, you have my sincere apologies," Riley said as his face remained impassive.

"You have no right to even think about my parents!" I screamed as I lowered my hands, clenching them into fists at my side.

"The man you call dad wasn't even your real father!" Riley screamed back. "Maybe that's why you have so many issues. Separating from your real dad at a young age can't have been good for your impressionable mind," he said with a condescending tone in his voice. If he wasn't pointing a gun at me, I would've attacked him long before this point. First of all, I don't have issues. Not from leaving my biological dad, anyway. Second of all, he has no right to talk about me when he doesn't know the first thing about me! And how dare he degrade my dad just because I wasn't biologically his.

Riley laughed as I glared at him. "Honestly though, I didn't mean to hurt your little boy toy that day a few months ago. I thought only you were in the car." Riley laughed at my confused expression. "Yes, you heard me right. I had my CPO drive you off the road. "

I felt the blood leave my face as I realized he was talking about Monroe. "Leave him out of this, Riley. He has nothing to do with your issues."

Riley's face contorted in anger once again. "My issues?!" He aimed the gun at my chest and said, "What did I tell you about respect?!" Suddenly, the gun was no longer in his hand. Instead, he had picked up a container of sharpened pencils.

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