Chapter Thirteen: Don't Worry, They Shipped Us

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Monroe's POV

Sunlight streamed through the windows, dousing the room in bright light. I groaned and turned my head away from the window before opening my eyes.

I smiled as I looked at Axel's sleeping face. His dark hair was covering part of his eyes, and his white streak was sticking straight up. His lips were slightly turned into a pout. I traced my finger from one side of his jaw to the other before placing a kiss on his lips. My eyes trailed down his face to his arm that was wrapped around my waist, holding me against his hard body. My eyes continued lower down his side and my face burst into flames when I realized we were still...connected.

I looked back at Axel's face and pressed another kiss to his lips and smiled when his lips tugged into a grin. "Good morning, darling," he said, deep voice even deeper due to him just waking up.

I blushed at the nickname and gave his cheek a kiss. "Good morning."

He rolled us over so he was supporting his weight on his elbows. I loped my arms around his shoulders as he leaned down and sucked on my already bruised neck. I closed my eyes with a moan.

"So Halloween is a week from now," Axel whispered as he continued to kiss and lick my neck. "Do you want to go trick or treating with us?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like fun," I said as my legs tightened around his waist when he moved up to the spot under my ear. I moaned again when he bit my earlobe.

Axel chuckled in my ear. "You seem to have a thing for biting, darling." 

I felt another blush work its way up to my cheeks. I bit my lip when I felt him get harder inside me. I circled my hips as I pushed up, causing Axel to drop his head against my shoulder with a groan. I let out a breathy laugh. "You just seem to have a thing for me."

He pulled away to look me in the eyes with a smirk. "That I do, Monroe," he said as he pressed our lips together again.


I sighed in content as Axel pulled out of me for the fourth time in twelve hours. I sat up with a wince as my backside began to throb in pain. Axel noticed and picked me up bridal-style. "I'm guessing your ass is sore," he chuckled before placing me in his tub. 

I leaned back and sighed again as the tub slowly began to fill up with warm water. I looked over at Axel and smiled. He smiled back before reaching for the showerhead. He wet my hair as he ran his hand through it. I folded my arms on the side of the tub and laid my head on my arms. Axel chuckled. "You're going to get water everywhere, darling," he said as he grabbed the shampoo and ran it through my hair.

I ignored him and asked, "Does this mean we're dating?"

He paused before continuing to wash my hair. "I assumed we were, after last night." I felt my face heat up at the mention of it. "If you don't want to, that's fine."

I blinked in shock and sat up suddenly, causing my back to scream in protest and water to slosh around in the tub. I blew out a breath slowly and carefully laid back down as Axel pressed his hand into my lower back, somehow making it feel better instead of worse. I looked up at him once the sharp pain in my back was reduced to a dull throb. "No, I mean, I kinda assumed we were, too. I just wanted to make sure you thought the same," I said with a light blush.

Axel chuckled and smiled at me. "Okay. I need you to turn over so I can wash your front."

After Axel cleaned me up, he wrapped me in a fluffy black towel and set me on his bed. He gave me a kiss on my forehead before going into the bathroom to clean himself. As he showered, I dried myself off with the towel. I carefully stood up and made my way to his closet. I selected one of his old band tees and pulled it over my head. I giggled as I looked in the mirror. His shirt was way too big for me. However, my eyes widened when I saw just how many hickeys were littered all over my neck. There was one under my right ear I knew I wasn't going to be able to hide. I gasped when I felt arms wrap around my waist. 

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