• prologue •

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**edited:  Amari, picture above.

"Thanks so much for helping move in." She pants, hands on my knees looking over at her best friend Edwin. He only smiled. He was out of breath as much as she was. Going up and down 4 flights of stairs with boxes would get anyone tired.

Amari was grateful she had even moved in all in one day, especially with all the stuff she owned. Even though she was going to be sharing the apartment, she had already had where her stuff was going to be placed.

"So your roommate is going to be here soon. He's pretty laid back. So he shouldn't cause you any problems." Edwin informs her, sitting down onto the couch. His neat pile of black curls had bounced slightly.

Apparently, he was a friend of this Caleb guy who had a spacey apartment.  The guy happened to be willing to split rent with someone, and Edwin just happened to know him. In conclusion he had Amari who was in need of a place to stay after making a big move.

"Bet. If you say so." She shrugs, plopping down next to him. "I hope he's not messy because I don't know if I could handle that."

He shakes his head quickly. "Nah." Only if she knew what type of messy he was. But she didn't ask, so he wouldn't blabber on about her soon to be roomie.

His phone begins to ding repetitively from an incoming call. He awkwardly contorts his body against to couch to reach his phone which inconveniently happened to be in his back pocket. He answers it instantly, sitting back down.

"Yo," It obviously wasn't a business call.

Amari studied his facials as he listened to the other voice on the line, which was muffled.

"Yea. I mean... now?" His voice raises. He sighs heavily before mumbling goodbyes to the person on the other line. He looks over at her, his lips pursed. "So I got to go. My girlfriend needs me for some reason. But he'll be here any minute."

She nods her head. "I know how she is," She smirks to herself. "I guess I'll see you later."

He squinted his eyes at her, taking note of the shade being thrown towards his girlfriend. "Yea I'll see you later Mari."

With that, Edwin stood from the couch and headed out with some urgency. He opened back up the door only to lock it behind himself. Amari sat on the couch as if she wouldn't be living here for a while. Like if this was her first time going to a friend's house. Her instinct was to first pull out her phone, but she fought it. She examined the apartment from her view, staring at a large curve Samsung tv with an all black screen.

She began to look on the couch around for the remote. Digging her hand into the crease of the couch she finds it, holding it in her hand as if it were buried treasure.

As she goes to turn it on, the doorknob begins to jingle, obviously someone unlocking it with keys from the other side. Anxious to see, she kept her eyes on the door. Then realizing how creepy of a sight that'd be, she averts her eyes back to the screen, not even bothering to turn it on. She stared at the tv, powered off.

The door opens, revealing a tall guy with blonde bleached dreads at ear length, tucked back into a cream colored hat.  A black hoodie with black sweats was what he was wearing proudly on a hot, summer day. Clearly unbothered. This confused Amari as she turned around, the first words wanting to be: "aren't you fucking burning up in that??" though she refrained herself from saying that so soon.

"I'm hoping you're Amari and not some random chick in my apartment, staring at the blank tv screen." Was the first thing that comes out of his mouth as he throws his keys onto the kitchen counter, taking off his hoodie, yet to make eye contact with her. "Edwin left to go deal with his girlfriend, huh?"

She responded with an unsteady nod. She stared with no shame though, turning her top half on the couch just to see if she'd get a glimpse of anything but the shirt underneath stayed down pretty well. He seemed pretty put together but at this point, she had no way of knowing. She sighed to herself, before replying.


"Cool. Zion," He raises his hand barely, leaning against the counter, his hoodie throw over one shoulder.

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion.  "Zion? I thought your name was Caleb."

He shrugged, a little smirk creeping onto his lips again. He made direct eye contact. "I mean yea, but I like Zion better, plus everyone knows me as Zion. So just call me that. Or Z, whatever you like."

"M'kay." She nodded, turning her head away from the guy. He seemed very laid back and nonchalant. Even maybe he had jokes.

Yet still, Amari felt sort of awkward at the moment. Of course, this was her home now as well, but it really felt as if she was sitting in a strangers house. It made her a bit uneasy, to say the least. Just thinking about it made her want to get up a scream. But she knew as soon as she gets comfortable, she'll be to her old self.

He took notice of the boxes stacked up in the living room, various things written across the surface of some, some blank. Some were beaten up boxes and some were brand new. Either way, there was a lot, and Zion realized she was just sitting there.

"Oh, I can help you get those boxes into your room," He walks over to the couch and around to examine all of the things he'd be helping her with. "Damn," He muttered. But she heard him and glanced at him curiously.

"What?" She laughed nervously.

"That's a lot of stuff. But I'll still help." He begins to make his way over to her in the living room where the boxes were stacked in a neat manner in the corner. He grabbed the box which was at the top of one of the stacks. He turned around with the semi-light box in his hands, tilting his head with a  small smile. "So you don't want to come to see your room?"

Amari mentally facepalms herself before grabbing a lighter box and following the taller guy into the second room of the house. The room was almost a perfect square with bare white walls and that signature beige carpet on the floor. There wasn't much to the room at the moment but it'll do. Plus the girl had many things to decorate the plain room.

"This is it," He says, placing the box in a lonely corner of the room, being gentle. "I know it's not like, mind blowing, but we don't have to share a bathroom." Zion gives her smirk and she smiles back. "Though it doesn't have a door."

"That's fine. Thank you so much." Amari replies thankfully, holding the box she had to her chest. Her eyes traveled the room, as she currently plans her room layout.

"No problem." He made his way out of the room, to grab more of her boxes.

Surely, this was going to be smooth living.


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~ Tkai

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