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A familiar knock pattern was heard on Zion and Amari's apartment door.

Amari emerged from her room to answer it, but of course Zion had her beat, already being in the living room. He welcomed Edwin in, the shorter boy dapping as a greeting. Amari gave him a sympathetic smile before walking up to him to give him a very firm, warming hug.

"Hey Ed." She said softly, rubbing his back as he held her tightly.

He sighed before pulling away. "Hey Mari."

Zion stood at a distance, making his face up at the reaction. He felt weird, almost as if he were left out. "So what's up, man?"

Edwin turns his head eyebrows raised. "Well I caught Tiffany cheating on me. "

A balled up fist goes to his mouth. "Damn. Ed I'm sorry man. That's crazy. I would've never thought she would've done that to you. You were so good to her." Amari agreed silently nodding her head.

The Dominican boy furrowed his full eyebrows. "I know, that's what I don't understand," He walked his way over to the chairs lined by island to sit. "I didn't neglect her, I gave her everything she asked for—"

"What did she ask for?" Amari blurted out in curiosity.

Zion's face fell, looking at the girl. "That was rude,"

"Shh. No, seriously," She quieted the boy before continuing. "What did she ask you for, specifically?" She took a seat next to him.

There was a moment of silence as Edwin skinned through the memories of his now previous relationship. "I mean, food, clothes, money, weed, and even immaterial things. Like my love," He placed his hand over his heart. "That was a waste."

Zion's phone began to ring from inside his room. He jogged off from the top to go answer it, no matter who it might've been.

Amari shook her head at him, seeing the disappointment in his face. "You deserve better. She might've been using you," She admitted.

Though Edwin wasn't oblivious to the claim, and had known from the start. "Well I figured. But my instincts were to make her happy, so when she asked I delivered." He shrugged sadly.

"So if she asked to deep throat her dildo you'd deliver?" She asked, actually interested in the serious answer he could give to the question. Though it was a joke.

He pondered before answering. "Fuck no, that's too much."

Amari broke out in a fit of laughter for a moment before looking over at Edwin, who didn't find the moment as humorous. Her features saddened to match his. "Let's sit on the couch. How about you talk, I listen." She smiled.

He nodded before following her over the couch. Zion's voice could be heard, chatting to someone excitedly in the background.

She plopped down first before he followed, in super close proximity of each other, which was normal. They were both very touchy with each other. 

She felt as if he were more open to doing things they used to before Tiffany was there to tell her off about how their friendship was suppose to go. Amari didn't hate her but she could not stand the girl. Still, she wasn't happy that this had ended the way it did.

Automatically, Edwin's arm had found its way around her, while her arms quickly flung around his toned stomach. She tilted her head so that she leaned more into him, as he allowed for this to happen. Mari even went as far as balling her feet up of the couch.

"Maybe I was doing something wrong? She seemed happy with me, so I don't know. I just want to know why that would even cross her mind." He looked off into the distance.

"Some girls just can't stick to one man. Obviously she was one of them. Them girls are not worth the hassle man," She played with the black
curls on his head. "I think you should just take some time to pamper yourself. You pampered her without asking, what about you?"

Edwin nodded, actually taking the advice he was given into consideration. It was true, he gave her things whether or not she asked for it. In a heartbeat he'd buy a $50 tank top for her if it looked like her style. It was ridiculous to Amari, but she didn't judge him because she knew that's how he treated everyone he sincerely cared for. As of for himself, he do the same, but he could do better.

"Definitely," He smiled at the brown skin girl, who brushed her shoulders off mentally.

Zion ran back out of his room in excitement, before his eyes looked over to the two hugged up on the couch. It made him twitch internally for a moment but didn't let that stop his excitement.

"So apparently I just won a new phone for free." He smiled brightly at the two,who shook their head before telling him the bad news.

"Pretty sure that's one of those scam things calling your phone. You didn't tell your info, right?" Edwin asked, turning himself on the couch to look at Zion.

He didn't answer back quick enough. "I didn't give them my social security." He commented, not answering the question at all.

"Dumbass." Amari muttered looking at the upset dude, who now felt played. He didn't hear her through.

"Anyway," Zion changed the subject. "You okay, Ed? You seem better."

He shook his head. "Not really, but Amari made me think about things," He looks over at the smaller girl who smiled at him as he kissed her hair. It was normal for the two, but Zion had never in his life seen them interact like this. Or at all, matter of fact. It made him uneasy.

He sat up, adjusting himself before putting his hand up. "I think I'll be on my way now," He says. "Thanks Mari. Talk to you later, Z."

Zion nodded his head before he watched his friend walk out the door. He didn't even bother to lock it behind his friend afterwards.

"So, what were y'all talking about?" Zion was interested In the conversation that they had while he was on the phone call. He got up and plopped himself beside her who was in the same position, comfortable as can be.

"I was just telling him to focus on himself for a while.  He needs it," She says, looking at her nails ignoring whatever look he might be giving her. "Like my dude has money to pamper himself but he was always pampering that hoe."

Zion looked at her taken aback by her sudden snappy behavior. "Dang, you don't like her?"

"Cool chick, but she takes advantage of good people and now apparently can't keep her legs closed." She looked up a the light skin boy who tilted his head, his bleach dreads following direction.

"What's wrong someone who likes to feel good?" He asked, sitting back on the couch looking over at the girl, waiting for an answer.

She shrugged. "I mean nothing, but stick to one person or masturbate. Like screwing around like that seems like work."

"It's exciting," He commented. "You don't know what to expect."

"What like a STD?" She stands up looking at him. She know he uses condoms, yet still.

"C'mon, Z. Wouldn't it be nice  to know you have someone to yourself. So you can learn what that person wants and they can learn what you want? Then y'all can experiment easier." She smirked.

It seemed like for a moment it was going through his thick skull. He smiled. "Interesting. I feel like that's for when you get older though." He looked off, before getting up.  "Just reminded me, I think I'll have a booty call tonight," He grabbed his phone out his pocket.

Amari shook her head, watching him walk away into his room. She could never express how much that irked her.

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