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She was shocked. Her heart was beating so fast she was surprised no one was hearing it. The look on his face almost matched hers: surprise and fear.

Zion didn't know whether he should actually go to hug her or stood where he was.

The silence was interrupted by Edwin. "Nick, let me show you my new record player. It's upstairs," His tone was almost forced. Though he was talking to Nick, his eye contact was at Zion.

The two headed else where, leaving the other two alone.  It wasn't an awkward silence, it was sort of tense. Emotions were everywhere and there was no correct way to describe what was happening in this moment. Neither could describe it.

"I'm sorry." He spoke finally. He didn't know what else to say.  Hi? He felt like he needed to apologize for some reason. The look she was giving him was somewhat shock and sadness. Honestly he couldn't help but to look at her. Her contact photo in his phone just couldn't capture all of her in person.

"What are you apologizing for? Why did you follow me?" All these questioned has just floated to the top of her head. "I'm the one who messed up, so I gave you space. Thought for once you wouldn't come chasing after me,"

She gazed down at her feet rather than into his eyes, who couldn't help but look at her. "I was being stupid as hell. I was just mad that you even saw Brandon in that way. I just, I really like you. I was jealous."

"I didn't, I was just desperate for your attention."
She paused. "You were mad, not just jealous. I get it, though." She still gazed downwards.

Something he could never understand was how the female thinking process worked. He didn't understand how messing with Brandon would've gotten her the attention she wanted. If anything, it just hurt his heart and disappointed him.

Zion moved a bit closer, making the space in between them a bit smaller. They were close enough to now feel the actual presence of each other.

"Yea. I forgive you, and believe you. I just wanted to make you feel bad about it, or really make it seem like I didn't care."

"I know you did, I'm not stupid." She finally angled her head a bit, not quite eye contact, but it was something.

"It's okay. I'm okay if you are," He says, now taking her hand which was warm and soft and not cold and clammy like his. She didn't seem to mind, anyhow.

She nodded. "Yea,"

Amari wanted him so bad at the moment. The only thing that was preventing her was the feeling uncertainty. She wanted something more from him; she realized being here now, standing in front of him. She refused to mention it though. The thought of having a girlfriend might scare him away.

"Amari, look at me. Like, eye to eye." He begged, staring at her head of hair rather than her face now, which was still glued downward.

Quickly, she snapped out of her daze and looked up at him. They looked at one another before he looked up, and around, making sure neither of two other guys were around lurking.

He then pulled her closer, almost slamming her body against his, she could help but gasp at the power of the movement . His large hands move to the small of her back as he the gazed back down on her with desire. Maybe this wasn't exactly the place to do something like this, but he could barely wait.

Leaning down slightly, he pecked her lips once. Then twice. The third was more of a true, more passionate kiss. Their eyes shut, and their lips did all the talking. Their tongues joined, too. They might've gone too into it. Zion's grip on her increased as Amari stared pulling on his shirt. But she panicked and pushed him away.


"We can't do this here," She bit her lip, the feeling of his plump lips still lingering.

He seemed a bit sad. "You're right. Nick! C'mon, drive us back I need to get my car." He shouted and all that was heard was a loud groan. A smirk was then formed on his lips.

The two walked back down the steps, looking at the both of them in speculation. Edwin carried her things in question, just in case things worked out. Confused, Amari spoke up.

"You two okay?"

"Yea," Edwin says, almost as if it were a question. "I guess I'll see you guys around?" He rests his hands on his hips, looking at the two.

"Of course, Ed." Amari smiled at him.

"Let's go then," Nick suggests, looking at everyone. "Edwin, I'll call you. I miss talking to you, man."

"Me too," He cheesed. "I'll see you guys, though."

"Alright. See ya," Zion grabbed her luggage from Edwin, as he couldn't get that goofy smile off his face.

Zion, Amari, and Nick all left Edwin in his large house, in plans of coming back soon to give him company. The three walked out to the car, hopped in the car and headed to Nick's house.


a/n: idk if y'all read these but, hi. y'all like aggressive Nick. so..


that new story is popping up for sure after this one is completed.

btw i love y'all comments it's my favorite thing. don't forget to vote too!

bye! xx

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