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It was no longer than 10 minutes before Zion's friends had officially made an entrance into the apartment. Loud at that. It almost sounded like one of them had slipped and fell at one point. They seemed rambunctious.

Amari did stay in her room for the most part. That was until she decided that she was hungry and attempted to make a quick trip to the kitchen. Her goal was to be silent, yet failed as soon as she let the fridge door close too hard.

The three boys who sat in facing the tv turned their heads in curiosity and confusion at her as she froze, smiling awkwardly at group, two who she had never seen before. They caught her attention. Even the boy who lives there.

One of the boys had hair that was hard to miss. It was fluffy and a prominent golden blonde that had seemed to give his jawline a sharper look. The roots of his hair compliment his deep dark brown eyes. His mouth was open in confusion.

The other boy chocolate brown quiff sat perfectly on his head with a fade, the most interesting out of all. His brown eyes scanned her before their eyes met as she stood still. His lips were pursed before he spoke.

"Zion, you going to introduce..?" He glanced over at his friend who made an uninterested face, looking at the girl, who wore nothing new to him. Black and white trimmed shorts, and an oversized white crop top which only exposed her stomach at times.

Zion shifted on the couch before speaking. "Amari," He said gesturing to the girl who had now relaxed a bit. "Nick and Austin." He said pointing at the boy who spoke first, then at the other one.

"How long has she been here?" The dude named Austin asked.

"For a while, like the last time you guys came over she came a week after." Zion picked his Xbox controller back up, about to resume the game. He could've sworn it was end of discussion. Though Nick stops him by placing his hand on top of his hand. "What?"

"Hang with us," He insisted, gesturing her to come over into the living room. Austin's eyes light up at the idea nearly jumping over on the couch to look at her.

His two friends were always opening to meeting new people— especially girls. They were weirded out as to why he had never mentioned his roommate to the two.

Zion obviously didn't like the idea for some reason, looking over at Amari and shaking his head frantically at her. She didn't pay him any mind, and actually preferred to hang with them then keeping herself away in the room all day.  She didn't really know why he didn't want her around them.

She shrugged before speaking. "I don't see why not," Mari didn't hesitate to head over to the couch, squeezing on the end next to her roommate who glared at her.

"I can just watch y'all play the game, don't mind me." She smiled looking at the two other boys who nodded. Zion scoffed, but she ignored. She knew she was getting to him and honestly it was pretty funny.

She sat and watched them play multiplayer on whatever game that she couldn't identify and didn't care to. She noticed one person kept dying in the came, and couldn't help but assume.

"Zion, is that one you?" Amari asked pointing at the top left on the screen.

"Yea, what?" He asked rushed, his head completely in the game as he leaned forward. He was man spreading which had she didn't really mind, but at the same time she hardly had any space on her side of the couch.

"You suck ass," She commented, letting a giggle out after. His friends began to laugh too, still keeping their focus on the game. He huffed at the humiliation he was getting as he lost all concentration from the snickering. He was so salty he paused the game and restarted it.

Austin dropped his remote, looking across the couch at Zion, who sat with his arms crossed, staring at the screen.

"I was about to win." He said, his voice hushed as he watched the screen go back to the beginning.

"It wasn't a fair game."

"Yes it was," Nick chimes in, his hands pointing at the screen. "Amari is right you suck ass." He began to laugh again, as Amari the joined it, looking at Zion who was very upset at the moment. His eyes turned to slits as he looked at her.

He sat up, getting an idea. "How about you play then." He poked the remote at her, in which she declined, pushing it towards him.

"I don't play games," She shook her head. "So it wouldn't be a fair game." Amari was obviously mocking him in a way.

"She's right." Austin commented which made him stand up.

"Why are y'all ganging up on me?" He pointed his finger at his chest in frustration. The vein was apparent in his neck and he was basically screaming in the apartment. Both of the other guys were confused, but slightly amused at their friend's behavior towards his roommate.

"We aren't. You know what?" Nick got an idea in the quick second. "We should watch a movie or something. That's calming," The shorter boy suggested, raising his eyebrows at his friend, trying to hint that he needed to chill out.

The other two nodded and agreement, as the only one standing gave up. Nonverbally, he asked Amari to scoot over so he could sit at the end, putting her in between him and his friend, Nick.

Zion reaches all in between him her to grab the remote. He changes the input of the tv and goes to the movies he already bought. Without any hesitation, he chooses a scary movie. He gets an uneasy look from the smaller girl next to him. She's not the biggest fan of getting scared. He did this so she could leave.

"Oh no." She looks at dread head who had a mischievous smile on his lips, pressing the play button. "I don't do scary movies," She starts to get up.

Nick grabs her wrist softly. "If you get scared you can hug me," He looks at her, reassuringly. She smiled, sitting back down. This knocked that smile right off Zion's face. This wasn't his intent.

"Oh thanks, okay." Amari wouldn't oblige. He was definitely a cutie.

Zion massaged his temples at the movie finally popped up on the screen. He hopped out to go turn off the lights, which already made Amari almost leap on Nick. This just wasn't going as planned for Zion.




By the end of the movie, Amari was shaking mess, clinging onto Nick's shirt for dear life. Austin had sat unbothered watching the credits roll down the black screen, while Zion held his head in his hands as his elbows rested on his thighs.

"You know it's over?" He smiled but with slight concern to how frightened she was at the end of it. She only nodded, her face basically buried his chest. Neither minded the close encounter.

"Oh," She looked up, sitting back on the couch. "That was horrible."

"That was great. Even though you could tell things were obviously fake but it was still good," Austin commented.

"I wouldn't know, I wasn't looking." She laughed uneasily. She looked over at her distressed roommate. "You okay? You look more shaken then I feel."

There was a moment of silence before he spoke. He raised his head from his hands, looking straight forward. He was upset.


"We need to talk about the rent this month." He says, not moving his hands.


"Yea we do," He finally sat up, cutting her off. He stood up completely, tilting his head quickly, signaling for the two boys that it's their time to go. They looked at each other confused, but they didn't ask any questions, probably when they left they asked each other. Before they left she got both of their numbers, insisting on making new friends.

Zion dapped them goodbye before shutting the door.

a/n: fillers fillers

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