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"Aye! Aye!" Amari was hyping Zion up as he pranced around the living room. It's not that he couldn't dance, but he was just a bit weird when he did it. She didn't care, she was going to hype him up anyway.

"Okay, I'm tired." He panted, throwing his hands onto his knees, leaning forward. "Why don't you dance or something?"

She was perched up on the couch, as she hasn't moved since the music started playing. The only thing she's done was sing dramatically to any song she's known.  Plus, she was enjoying the show, specially seeing him dance to slower songs, because all he could do was body roll.

He lifted his shirt to simply wipe the sweat off his face. Even something simple as that made Amari swoon in place.

She shrugged. "Um. I cant really dance."

"Really? I don't believe it."

"I mean I can but it's vulgar," she throws up air quotes, raising her eyebrows.

Zion's ears perked up. "Vulgar? Were you a stripper?"

"No," She crossed her arms over her chest. "Twerking; things of that nature."


She rolled her eyes, getting up. "Of course you'd want to see that." Amari wasn't pissed or anything, but decided she was going to get a snack or something in that moment.

But Zion thought she was. He couldn't stand for her to be mad at him again. So he went and scurried after her as she calmly walked into the kitchen. He tackled her from behind.

This startled Amari, causing her to let out a scream, first in panic then in laughter as Zion began to tickle her.

She turned around and attempted to do the same thing back, but instead was met with him just smiling. "I'm not ticklish,"He then picks her up, causing her to yelp in surprise at the sudden movement.

"Are you mad at me?" The dread headed boy asked, his facial expression softening as he looked at the smaller girl that he held as her legs wrapped around him.

"Huh? No." She shook her head.

He let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh well, my bad." He let her down, we'll attempted to anyway. Her legs gripped around him like a boa constrictor. Zion wasn't even mad, but shocked. "Um."

"I like it up here," She moved her hands from his shoulder to hang her arms around his neck. "Am I heavy?"

The question was only asked because Zion seemed to not want to grip her so hard, his hands only on her back which wasn't holding her up well. She kept sliding down and jumping up on him, which made him stiffen.

"No, I just don't want to touch you somewhere you don't want to be touched." The shyness in him really popped out, which surprised Amari, who only giggled.

"Try me," She says, adjusting herself again.

This is making Zion sweat nervously. His already naturally clammy hands aren't helping with the situation either. He doesn't know what to do, but his instinct is to just take over to the couch and make out with her. It's like she's trying to seduce him.

Though that's because she is. She's on a roll today. But this time it won't stop as early as the first one. At this point, Brandon doesn't hold any meaning like Zion does to her. She just wanted him however she could get him. This seemed like this was the moment. She was being bold.

Though so was he. He was taking the opportunity that he had. Instead, he took her into the kitchen and sat her onto the counter. His hands rested on her waist for a moment before Amari makes the first move. She grabs his face, pressing his plump lips against hers.

Zion comes in closer, raising her legs to wrap around his waist again. His hands cupped her face now as he indulged himself into this kiss that became very passionate very quickly.

Amari began tugging at the hem of his shirt as their lips slightly parted away. Her hands worked their way under his shirt, simply just feeling around. Zion did the same, almost pulling her larger shirt all the way up. He caresses her bare ass, only to stop abruptly.

He pulled away from this kiss, his eyes shooting back in forth to look at her lustful expression. His thumb caressed her face, kissing her one more time.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't do it." He avoided eye contact with her for a moment.

"Do what?" Her eyes fill with worry.

"I don't want to hurt you." Zion's hands drop to her bare thighs. Amari couldn't even respond before he backs away, looking at her in defeat as he turned and walked away to disappear into his bedroom.

Now as she sat there, she began to think it was something she had did. Maybe she had came on too strong. Maybe too fast. Though in that case, he wouldn't have led her on so far. She was so confused. She was almost pissed, thinking maybe it was something she had done.


It was really awkward for her to go and take a shower later on that day, considering she had to use his because hers still wasn't fixed. There wasn't a word said between the two later on as they crossed paths only a few more times.

He now had her overthinking about what she did wrong. Her throat was throbbing, just thinking about whatever just happened. She needed a little help.

She got dressed in some joggers and a blue t-shirt, throwing her hair into a low bun. She grabbed her phone, look for "Eddie Ma Bestie❣️"in her contacts.

The phone rung once before a content voice filled the line. "Hey."

"Hey, can I come over?"

"Sure. Is something wrong?" He asked, his tone dipping into worry.

She sucked her teeth. He knew her too well. "I guess so. I'll explain when I get there." She grabbed her apartment keys, jamming them into her pocket. "I'm walking though, so give me a bit more time."

Edwin's voice elevated. "What?! Golden hour is over the sun is gone and you want to walk to my house? I don't condone that." He sounded so disappointed.

"I'll be fine. I don't have my own car and I don't want you to come pick me up." She spoke quite clearly. She didn't even hear Zion's door creak open from the hallway.

"Why don't you just have Zion drop you— oh! I gotchu," He realized what the visit would be out. He knew he couldn't argue with this girl. "Be safe, ma. See you later,"

"Okay, see you Ed. Bye," She presses the red button, ending the call. Amari pushes her phone down into her pocket, turning off the lights in her room before exiting and closing the door behind her.

As she is strutting she doesn't notice Zion in the kitchen leaning against the counter with his shirt off and a snack in his hand as he munched quietly, watching her charge towards the door in a hurry.


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