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She closed the front door softly, sliding off the slides of her feet very slowly. She threw her keys onto the counter, sighing as she walked over to fridge.

As she was beginning to open the door, a shirtless Zion appeared at the entry way of the kitchen. He didn't catch her attention at all, and she skimmed the refrigerator for a fruit of some sort.

Giving up, she closes the fridge. Before she could turn around,  he wraps his arms around her, not in a sensual way. More comforting than anything. Even if she didn't have underwear on. She bit back a smile.

"Hi," She said, not being able to hide the smile anymore.

"Hey Mari," Zion began, before letting go of her. "I'm sorry. I know I was being sort of rude last night, my bad."

She shook her head. "It's fine. You don't have to say sorry. It's my fault you were just asking," More than feeling sorry was shadowing upon her. Guilt was.

She regretted it now. She wished she could take what she just did back. Amari didn't realize how desperate she actually was for someone to just touch her and kiss  her until she moved in with him. It was getting out of hand, and Zion was only seeing the tip of the ice berg.

Zion was the only one she truly wanted, but in some way, this was suppose to get his attention. Yet satisfy her. Some way.

"I'm glad we're past that. I think we should just chill today." He says, with a content expression. "Like just us." He thought of how last night went, he cringed.

Amari shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" Anything to make her forget.

They had been sitting in the living room for hours. From eating hot wings to playing uno, to watching movies and telling weird life stories. It seemed like finally they were actually bonding with each other.

Zion's eyes traced her face as she molded a question. He thought it was cute how she bit her lip and looked around the room as she was thinking. Or how she popped her lips as she tried to fill the silence as she was thinking.

On the floor, Amari lays comfortably on her stomach. Her arms held her head up to look at him criss crossed across from her. She noticed how he could never stop playing with his dreads, or however long it had been since he got a fresh twist. He was still appealing to her.

"Why don't you like, have a girlfriend or something?" She grinned.

Nervously, his hand caressed the back of his neck. "I don't know. I don't know if I actually want one," He answered honestly. The only girl that crossed his mind though that can even be close was the one grinning in front of him.

"No? So you're just going to keep doing the booty calls?" She sucked her teeth. "Sad," She rolled her eyes.

Zion's lips curved into a suggestive smirk. He could answer back, and say no. I want you, but that would be to bold of a response. Even for him. Instead, he resulted to the next question.

"Please. When's the last time you've had sex?"

Her eyes widen, looking at him as if a wasp had flew by his face. He rose his eyebrow in suspicion.

She hurried to make up something that was believable. Amari didn't want him to know, so shrugged. "Like a month ago. I'm sorry I don't just go around having sex with everyone I see. It's not safe anyhow,"

"That's why you use condoms."

"Z, people are crazy though. I don't get how you do it,"

"Maybe I should show you one day." He winked, causing her to blush. She tried turning it into a laugh, but it failed.

"You nasty." She giggles as she rolls over to her back .

"That's me."

They broke out in laughter, Amari laughing a bit too hard, which made Zion laugh even more, holding his stomach as he bellowed. It was contagious, which made Amari laugh even harder.

After taking a quick breather, Zion then got up, cleaning up the empty takeout boxes, which were cleaned of hot wings. He threw them in the trash, as Amari watched him do this closely, before getting on her phone.

Her face squinted in confusion as she saw a couple message from Brandon, about 23 minutes ago.

B 🐝✨
you know you left your panties here right?

it's okay. i'll hide them. we won't talk about this ever again

Her eyes widen at the messages, swiping them clear from her notifications to deal with them later. She glides her phone across the carpet, looking over at the tall boy cleaning, hoping he saw nothing suspicious.

"Mari, you want to listen to some music?" He raises his voice over the running faucet.

"Sure, why not?"


Sorry this was taking so damn long. Life happens ig.

Double next?

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