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a/n: I just want to say thank you so much for 300+ reads! 💕

Z?" She walked into her home which was almost completely dark. The only lights on were the dim light over the sink and the lamp in the living room. Kicking off her slides, she casually slid her sweats down, now in shorts. She grabs the sweats, folding them over her arm.

Amari knew he didn't fall asleep that quickly. Plus, there was a light coming from under his door, which made her curious. She walks her way over to the door, knocking to no avail. She felt the coldness from under his door through her socked feet.

Mari said "Fuck it," and opened the door. She honestly didn't know if the girl was still there or not, or that there was a girl there at all. All she knew is that she didn't normal bust open is door without waiting for an answer after a knock. But she was actually a bit concerned.

His room was normal but dark. The light was on in his bathroom. Something told her to go and knock there, just to see if everything's okay. She has already surpassed the normal, might as well go all the way.

She stepped over clothing and items that may have been around the room. Though she completely missed an unplugged power cord, which she stepped on with her heavy walking. It was almost instant as the pain had struck her and she hopped on one foot holding the other in agony, before trying to gracefully sit on the ground.

"Holy—" She couldn't even finish the phrase as the throbbing commenced. She groaned loudly, holding her foot to make sure it wasn't bleeding through her sock or something. She slid it off, throwing her sock.

Zion opened the door, a towel wrapped around his hips. She looked at the girl on the ground. "What are you doing on the floor?"

She looked up at him with watery eyes, which he couldn't really see. "I stepped on the mother fucking power cord and my foot hurts," Her voice cracked as her foot throbbed again.

He walked passed her on the ground to turn on his light, then to walks back over and crouches to come and check her foot out. She bit her lip as he grabbed it rather roughly.

"Ouch," Her voice bends upwards, signaling him to go easy. He then lifted it up, then pressing the stop where she had stepped on it, which only got a yelp out her. He helps her stand up and sits her at the end of the bed.

She watches Zion as he frantically walked around his room. His back was still glistening with moisture from the water, as was his chest when he turned around. She couldn't help but watch him. What else could she look at anyway? He fled the room and into the kitchen.

He came back quickly with some ice, which made Amari giggle. "What?" He asked, a bit lost.

"It's not that serious, I'll just be sore for a while," She waves off the bag of ice. Zion ignored her, putting the freezing item on the ground and putting her foot upon it. "Fuck,"

"That pain ain't no joke." He shook his head as he heard her reaction. He runs his hand up her leg, massaging it lightly which took her by surprise. She looked at him as he was focused on treating her calf.

"Oh, Zion— I think that's good now." She reassures.

He looks at her briefly as he was working his way up to her thigh. "You know getting like a simple foot injury can damage your nerves? I'm making sure nothing hurts," His soft, slightly clammy fingers roamed her mid thighs, which made her jittery.

"Z. I'm okay. It's not that serious." She says, getting that feeling in her stomach as he lifted her leg, running his hand up the back of her leg with pressure. She jumped, which made him pull away.

"Did that hurt?" He asked, concerned. His hand made its way back to her soft legs. He put her leg down, resting his large hand on her thigh. At this point, he wasn't checking her out, he was just taking this opportunity to touch her.

Mari shook her head, smiling awkwardly. "Then what was that?" He asked.

With pursed lips, she looked at him. "I don't know, I guess you're just touching me a lot," she answered honestly.

A smile spread across his lips. "My bad," He apologized, though he wasn't really sorry about it.

He walked away, his back to her. He opened his towel to tighten it. "I need to get dressed."

"I'll turn away," She responds quickly, shifting herself in his bed. Her foot was still hurting and at the moment she wasn't in the mood to walk on it.

He turned over his shoulder to make sure she has completely turnedyt around. Then again he couldn't care if she saw all of him or not. He had nothing to hide, and nothing that he was afraid of showing.

Amari heard his towel drop. Afterward, she only heard drawers open and close and shuffling of his feet. This felt weird to be her. Like she could just turn around and see an eye full of Zion. She stared at the blank wall.

Zion pulled up his boxers then over those some sweats. "Okay you can turn around, I just need a shirt."

She whipped her head around to glance at him before looking back to examine her foot. It looked normal, but it wasn't as sore from before.

"Can you walk on it?" He made is way over to her, not even bothering to put a shirt.

She stood up slowly. The slight pain was depicted on her face, though it was nothing big. Her foot was on the ground without any real problems.

She gave him an awkward thumbs up before walking out of his room in hurry.

"Wait, Mari, why did you come in here?" He asked, finding a shirt to pull on. She peaked in the doorway before responding.

"To see if a bitch was in here with you. That was quick for you," She says, wondering.

He laughed before speaking "No one came." His voice softened as he spoke.

"Mhm. Okay," she made her way out his room. She believed him, but what she doesn't understand is why he decided not even do anything. Though Amari chooses to rest her heavy mind with all the thoughts that filled it.


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