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"Come get your friend." Were the words Amari bombarded her best friend's ear with. He didn't respond automatically, only following her complaint with a sigh.

"There's not much I can do, love." He says in a sympathetic tone. For the past three months, she had been complaining about Zion and the little things he does. Amari has yet to mention this. Though he Edwin knew it was something new each time she called during the evening.

She grunts in frustration, holding her phone closer to her ear. "Do you know why I'm complaining though?"

"I know exactly why you're complaining this time."

The room a few steps down from her grew louder as she refused to blast her ears out completely with the tv that night. It was traumatizing to hear skin slapping as loud as someone with large hands clapping. The internal cringe was never ending. "I believe you set me up."

"Never. I didn't know he still does that, it's not like he's in high school anymore," Edwin began, almost as if he were going to go on a rant.

She tilted her head slightly. "Are we talking about the same thing?"

There was a long pause in between the phone conversation. Too long of a pause for the rhythmic pounding against the wall was prominent.

"I don't know anymore."

"Are talking about him having loud, unapologetic one night stands?" She asked.

"Oh no," Edwin gasped. "I didn't know about all of that. I definitely can't do anything about that. That's his life," She could only imagine him shrugging.

"Just stay on the phone with me until he finishes off ." She begged. He made a noise, which could only be described as a question mark.

"Finishes off? Nice word choices. But sure why not," Amari could hear the smile in his voice.

She woke with a headache, while being so comfortably tangled in her own bed sheets. The sun  peaked through the openings of Amari's curtain. Even though the sun wasn't at its peak, it was very bright. The light it gave off lit her room up.

She hadn't physically gotten up yet, but she could only think about taking a nap later on that day.  Her and Edwin were probably not the phone until 3 in the morning, talking about nothing just to keep her distracted. It worked, but the aftermath was being sleep deprived.

She chose to push through, getting up and this time not forgetting to put on some pants. She walked out into the slightly open concept kitchen, opening the fridge.

Zion's bedroom door opens, but a girl comes out. In a sneaky manner she tried to be quiet, closing the door softly with her shoes in her hand and her hair in a messy bun. She then takes a deep breath, walking out into the kitchen just to see the girl who actually lived there.

Amari turned around, seeing the girl who stood in shock. She jumped at the sudden appearance.

"Jesus Christ," She held her chest, looking at the slightly shorter girl.

The girl's eyes widened with fear, looking at Amari who was nonchalant about the situation. "Do you live here?"

"Yes I do." She answered back quickly, continuing to look for something to eat.

"You were here the whole night?" Her voices quivered a bit.  Amari sensed that she was slightly embarrassed.

"Yes. I live here. Don't worry, I didn't pay you two any mind, but I can't lie and say I didn't hear anything," She reaches for a blue mug in the cabinet.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl apologized, scurrying towards the front door. Her cheeks turned rose red as she looked at the ground on her way out.

"It's all good sis," Amari replied as the girl left as fast she could on bare feet. There was really no reason why she held her shoes instead of putting them on her feet, considering she wore sandals.

Amari shook her head to herself as she began to start up the coffee maker, completely pushing the thought of the girl out of her mind. The situation wasn't normal but it happened often, so she wasn't intimidated or anything. That didn't mean she wasn't tired of Zion's shit.

Not long after, Zion comes out of his room. His dreads stuck out in various directions, one completely sticking up. He looked a mess, and smelled a mess, too. It was sort of hot, maybe. She knew he came out his room, but chose not to say good morning until she turned around.

Zion makes his way over by her, standing right in her peripheral. He stood very close to her, without saying a word.

"Can you like, back up?" She asked with attitude in her tone, still focusing on making her coffee to her standards.

"So no good morning?" He says, holding out his arms. The stench hits Amari in her nose and she stops in her tracks.

"No no no. Go take a shower.  Please for the sake of all that is holy," She shooed him away.

"Good morning to you too, Mari." He rolled his eyes as he stepped away, his arms coming down.

"You can give me attitude all you want, I just want the best for you and that right now is a shower." She takes her mug of hot coffee and sits at a bar stool, sipping it slowly so she won't burn her tongue.

Zion still pouted at her. "Good morning."

"Morning," She sighed tiredly. "I hope you know you kept me up. I got barely any sleep. Ol' girl walked out here sneaking out, didn't know you had a roommate." She went for another sip before setting the steaming mug down quickly.

"Why does she need to know?" He questioned, leaning against the wall.

"Some people like privacy, some don't care. That poor girl was so embarrassed when I told her I was here the whole time." Her fingers lingered over the warmth of the mug as she frowned at her roommate.

Playing with one of the dreads hanging over his head, he sucked his teeth. "She wasn't all that anyway. She'll be okay." He muttered, looking off at something else.

"Fuck, Z. Get out of my face. Please go take a shower." Amari's patience was running low with dude already. Only making it worse, he walked over to her, getting close again. This time he sat down and leaned forward so that their faces were close.

"Now I'm in your face," He smiled. Her mean mug didn't leave her face. Zion looked her up and down briefly.

"Move," She puts her hand in his face. "I'm begging you to go wash your crevasses. You smell like hot sex."

He leaned back on the stool, getting up and walking over to his room. He opened the door as fast as he closed it.

Amari could tell how bad someone was by how he acted the next morning. It upset her that she did but it was too obvious not to analyze. Not that she was keeping count but the fact that it happened at least once a week was enough.

She is surprised he hasn't came on to her or anything yet.  Specially with the way he tends to act towards her at times. All types of looking girls had came in and out she couldn't put all of them in a major category.

She heard the shower turn on and that was her cue to go visit her neighbor who is also her new friend, Brandon.




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