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He stayed silent the home ride home. Zion presses his heavy foot down on the gas each time his mind would spiral back to the image that was stuck in his head.

Occasionally, Amari would tap his arm, signaling that he was going too fast. He listened, only for a minute or so. She had no idea what his problem was.

Nick sat in the back on his phone, refusing to start a conversation with either one of them. He only spoke as he exited the car, saying his goodbyes. The two said goodbyes to the Italian boy.

As soon as the back door closes, Zion pulls off.

Amari turns herself towards him, as he paid the sudden movement no mind.  "What's your problem?" She asked, tilting her head.

Zion's profile looked extra strong in the dark lighting, his jaw clenched. He never turned his head, actually trying to ignore her question.

She grips the side of her door.  "You aren't going to ignore me,"

His head turned for a brief second, a blank expression shown. He turned his head back, tilting his head to the side. "I'm just tired, okay?"

"You don't look tired." She reached over to grab his dead but he jerked away. Taken back, she rested her arm on the seat. "What is it!?"

"So you and Nick? Y'all a thing now?" He asks with bluntness.

"Why do you care?"

"That's my friend." He grips the wheel.

"Is that why your upset?" She held a laugh. "Why do you care?" She rolled her eyes repeating the question. Amari was as clueless as she was acting.

His grip on the wheel tightened as his frustration grew. "I just do. I don't want y'all together."

"We aren't." She says quickly countering the situation.

"But his tongue was all down your throat though." He sucked his teeth.

"You don't know what you saw."

He turned to her completely. "The fuck you mean? I know exactly what I saw. Listen," He says sighing deeply.

"Don't mess with Nick, he's a player. I don't want you to get yourself hurt."

"I'm grown, okay? Let me be." She says. Now she was mad at him. Amari felt like she couldn't do anything with him around. He was so restricting of anything she was doing that for some odd reason he didn't like.

The ride home was now completely silence, nonetheless. The two roommates were not on talking terms at the moment. They had blew up somehow.

As soon as they reached the apartment complex, Amari hopped out the car as soon as it went into park.

Zion didn't stop her, he honestly didn't have the energy even if he wanted to. He was now confused and frustrated. He sat in the car, pulling his beanie off of his head, shaking his dreads out before putting his fingers through them onto his scalp. He rested his head on the wheel of the car.

He didn't like the feeling of falling for someone.

She managed to sneak out of the house early the next morning. She refused to be bothered by the guy who she just happened to live with that will let her do absolutely nothing without it being morally correct.

She needed a breather, but then again she didn't want to go to far from home. She found a better solution.

"Hey," Brandon greeted Amari with a cheesy smile. "What's poppin?"

"I came to hang with you," She claimed, shuffling her feet. He gestured for her to come in.

"Zion bothering you again?" He asked jokingly, closing he door behind the both of them.

Amari replied with a loud sigh, plopping down in his couch. "Sorta of. He's helicoptering. Not right now though, he's asleep."

He hummed curiously, sitting next to her. "Maybe he just cares for you a lot."

"No he's being annoying as hell." She snapped. Her head found her way to her shoulder. "Where's Charlotte?"

Brandon sighed heavily, not giving an answer. He just began to play with her hair. She was confused now.


He sinks into her more, his warmth spreading to her body as got more comfortable. "We're on a break for a while."

With pursed lips, Amari nodded. "Oh. I'm not going to ask what happened, because that's not my place,"

"It's okay if you do." He looks down at her.

"I won't. You okay?" She sits up to look at him. It was a moment before he could give an answer.

He got up from the chair, just to stand and walk around for a bit. "Yea. It's been me for a few days, it's weird."

"I can't relate, but I understand. " She means forward, her elbows on her knees.  Still waking up, when yawned, looking off into the distance.

It was a long moment of silence of Brandon just pacing back in forth in his living room as Amari watched, not really bothered by it. She could tell he wasn't acting as usual from the last time they talked. He was pretty chill about most things.

His hair was tossed carelessly, and he wasn't even dressed put together as he usually is. Even if he didn't go out anywhere, he made sure he was presentable.

"I have an idea that might be able to relieve your stress and mine," He spoke suddenly, like he was scared the sentence was going to slip out of his head. He was obviously anxious.


"Can we.." He said it more as if he were challenging her.

She held her hand up. "Pause, why do you want me to do that?"

His face fell, whatever hope he had leaving. "I don't know, I'm sorry. It's just, I don't know— we don't have to make it personal,"

"Y'all are still together though, that's my friend Brandon." She cautioned. It wasn't right.

"It won't happen again after this I promise." He pleaded, walking towards her as she sat on his couch, looking up at him in surprise.

Biting her lip, Amari was really thinking about this situation she somehow slipped into. She didn't want to ruin anyone's relationship, specially with a friend. But then again she really thought about it. He said it won't happen again.

"You better promise. Don't bring this up again or we are going to have a problem." She threatened, pointing her finger at him as she stood.

He gently grabbed her hand, pushing it by her side and joined their lips together. It happened so quickly it was almost like he had been wanting this for a while.

His lips were soft and gentle against hers, which encouraged Amari. Their lips together, the soft smacking sounds filling the silent apartment.
Brandon wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, into his body.

Her arms flung around his neck out of habit, pressing herself against him. She began playing with the bottom of his shirt, tugging at it as their lips never parted.

His lips traveled down to her neck, suckling softly at the gentle skin of her neck.


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