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Half of Amari's day was spend casually snacking every hour or so, watching tv in her room, and staring at Zion's door, waiting for it to swing back open. He didn't have to talk to her, but it be nice just to get a glance.

She had to take a shower anyway, so she would have to see him eventually. He still didn't call anyone to get that damn shower fixed. She had a smell that was offending her.

Though this was masked by his hoodie, which smelled of him.

Nonetheless, a shower was needed.

She walked over to his door, knocking as if she were scared of something.

There was music being softly played behind the door, sounding very mellow and calm; a bit sad. Then, footsteps got more audible before the door swung open in front of her.

"What do you need?" Zion asked with direct eye contact, leaning against the door, still with no shirt on as his grey sweatpants hung loosely on him. He just oozed sex appeal, and it was distracting.

Amari bit her lip. "A quick shower."

He cleared the doorway, watching her walk in his room as he closed the door behind her. He noticed she still had his hoodie on. He didn't mind, she could keep it.

Amari shuffled into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Zion plopped back onto his bed, turning down his music so that he could hear his tv a bit better. He doesn't even watch tv, but he's doing anything to distract himself. He's holding a strong grudge against her because she deserves it.

The water began running in the shower faintly. She took about a 20 minute shower before turning the water, and moments later she came through the door, a towel wrapped around her. As she closed the door she completely faced it.

"I didn't actually sleep with him, you know. If it makes you feel better," She spoke up suddenly. This startled him. He paused his tv, looking over to her as her back was still facing her.

"It kinda doesn't, honestly."

"I stopped it before it got too far. We just had a really intense make out session." She finally turned around. "Once he pulled them off, I freaked and left."

"Why don't I believe you?"

"I don't know. I'm telling the truth," And she was. The most they did was a very vigorous grinding session as well. The thought of it actually makes her cringe. She did have a bit sexual attraction to him to begin with, that she could admit. "I promise."

She was trying to make it better by telling the whole story, but maybe it wasn't helping

He stared at her for a moment, with a blank expression. Then reaching for his remote, he put the tv back on play, directing his attention to the screen now.

She huffed loudly before storming out, slamming his door in the process. His head turned to his door sharply, his thick eyebrows furrowed.

He got up out of his bed, confused about the fact that she's slamming his door. He open the door and just pushed hers open without a knock.

Startled, Amari turned around, gripping her towel tight to her chest in fear. "Can you not fucking knock?"

He gives the now open door one good knock. He lets himself in, ignoring the annoyed girl. "I don't appreciate you slamming my door, Mari."

"Like you didn't just walk into my room without knocking!"

"Nothing I ain't seen before." He says with a smug expression. Amari's face heats up in slight embarrassment, still gripping the towel that was hung around her body.

"Can you get out?" She rose her voice a bit. She was fed up at this point.

Without another word said, he shook his head and walked his way out of the her room, shutting the door behind him. She sighed afterwards, staring at the door long after it closed.


He swung his door open, looking left and right outside in the hallway flinging water everywhere. He was soaked, as was his hair. Amari's door was wide open with her lamp dimly lighting her room.

He stared at the scene. "Mari?" It's been hours—about 4– since he has heard any noise at all from her room. Not even her occasionally walk back and forth to and from the kitchen.

He walked across the hall to enter the room, which seemed like a tornado might of hit it. Clothing is everywhere. That's normal for her, yet this is too much. Way too much.

"Man, Amari you gotta clean this shit up at some point, this ain't it." He took a peak into her bathroom, seeing that she obviously was not there.

Zion huffed. Now he was convinced she basically snuck out that swiftly. Maybe not swiftly at all because he did hear all the commotion.

He stepped over the mini piles of clothing as he attempted to get out of her room.

He looked at where they placed their keys beside the door. Amari's weren't there. And now that he thinks about it, her only suitcase as well.

In this moment, it wasn't hitting him that she wouldn't be back for a while. For a long while, it would seem like to him. But for now, the dread headed boy shrugged. He was unfazed by her absence.

For now.


a/n: the shortest chapter i've written. also thank you guys for all the reads again.

make sure y'all vote and comment. you guys' comment sometimes make me smile or die laughing 💀

oh. also, i'm working on another book.

see ya soon ;

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