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"Zion!" She yelled, throwing her head back in pleasure for about the 3rd time today. It was only 11:00 am, and they'd waken up somewhere around 9:40 am. It's probably all they'd have time for today. Amari decided the rest of guys come over. Nick, Austin, and Edwin.

It was needed, after these 3 months of Zion and Amari's isolation. They felt as if they've built their relationship now and are ready to let others in. No jealousy, no second thoughts or anything.

Not that they would've prevented that, but just to make sure this was something that could work. Them being together and committed to each other. There were bumps in the road but today— the uncertainty of it will go away.

She pulled her panties over herself, as he watched. Like it's normal. Her phone lit up beside her, and without stopping him Zion read the message.

"They'll be here in 10," He said, letting the screen go back to sleep.

"I guess we got finished in time, or.." He paused, tugging at her panties once more. She slapped him on her head causing him to fall back holding his head. "Ouch!"

"No, dude. You want me to fall back asleep? Cause I can barely get up." She claimed, swinging her legs towards the end of the bed where her shorts laid on the floor. She pulled them over her legs, standing up slowly.

He knew in a way that she was giving him credit for his hard work. "I know, baby. I'm just that good."


"What? Nah, you know I'm the best!" He points to his chest, his voice reaching a higher pitch as the sentence went on.

"Put a shirt on, Z. I get it's spring but that's so inconsiderate of guests," She pulls her hair up into a bun, watching him with a goofy smile as he grabbed his shirt which laid balled up under the covers, somehow unwrinkled.

As Amari walked out Zion's room—which is now basically their room, considering hers becomes vacant almost every night—she headed to the kitchen to fix herself some coffee. Maybe it's too late for anything like that but she didn't care.

There was a faint knock at the door, which caught Zion's attention as he exited the room as well. A bit confused, he peaks through the peephole. He sucks his teeth, unlocking the door.

"Who's that?" Mari asked, without bothering to turn her head.

"Bro, what do you want?" He asked in frustration.

Brandon stood in front of the fed up dread head in a nonchalant matter, almost as if he were there for business only. The irony is he had no business being here. He was lonely.

Charlotte had left him a few days after the whole incident. His cries were so loud that they pierced through the walls the that separated apartment. Surprising, he didn't let himself go. He actually upped the ante, buying more expensive clothing and changing his style.

Zion didn't feel bad for the sucker. He did that all to himself, after all.

"Nothing. I just," He sighed, looking down at his shoes. He hesitantly eased some vibrant fabric out of his pocket, shoving it to Zion's chest. "I should've gave this back a while ago. I cleaned them, so."

The look he gave him was undeniably a bit horrified. The calmness and casualty that Brandon held was not okay in this situation.

"Thanks, um. Bye now?" His hand forced the door closed on him, and immediately did he turn to his girlfriend, who stood stirring her coffee.

He held up the yellow lace by the tips of his fingers, despite what he claimed to have done. "Look familiar?"

"Toss them, por favor." She sipped, directing her eyes to the trash can a few feet from her. "Why would he try to give them back like I'd want them after all this time?"

He shrugged as he lifted the lid. "Those were nice though,"

"I know right? What a waste." She shook her head.

He made his way over to her and proceed to shower her with kisses all over her face, to which she couldn't help but blush. She put down her coffee and embraced him in a warm, comforting hug which woke her up a bit more, maybe even better than her coffee.

Both their heads turn in sync to a loud pounding at the door which sounded more like three rambunctious boys. There was so much excitement building up in Zion as he walked towards the door and opens it.

"Wassup?" They all shouted in unison. One by one, they dapped each other up, but following up by respectively giving Amari a nice hug.

As there volume lowered, you could then hear the weeps of Arreaga. They all gave each other looks.

"Yo, is your neighbor good?" Edwin becoming genuinely concerned. "I know y'all hear that."

"Is it bad that's normal?" Amari gritted her teeth awkwardly at the boys.

Austin folded his arms. "Nah. Some people cry a lot. He's probably one of those people. Sad, fucking people," He muttered, to which Nick still heard.

He gasped. "Ain't nothing wrong with some wet cheeks every once in a while," Without a thought the sentence flew out his mouth, causing a silence to move over the group.

"What the hell, Nick?" Zion furrowed his eyebrows at him.

He pushed them off. "Y'all all little freaks." He pointed tauntingly at the rest.

"You the freakiest one here," Edwin announced. No one disagreed and all he could do was give him a heavy shrug.

"Anyways," Austin jumps in, pulling the attention back to a center. "What do y'all want to do? Chill here? Go out? Either way it's going to be fun as hell."

"Well, I think we should stay here and play some games. I just bought Uno a few days back, shall we start—"

Edwin interrupted. "End with that. We got a good thing going and that card game can ruin some friendships."

"True," She agreed. "We should order some food first, hang a bit, then tackle the games, yea?

Zion nodded, not being able to take his eyes off her. He cracked a smile. All his now. "Let's do that."

"Let's do it."

So maybe, in the end, they actually were able to share.  Despite that shower never being fixed, that never was a problem. Everyone is cool and friends without thick lines of jealous separating it. Nor is anyone mad about being friends with another. Amari is all for Zion as Zion is all for Amari.  With the addition of the three great friends and the subtraction of one, odd neighbor. Things work out. But sharing still isn't for everyone. Specially when it comes to Zion and his Amari.


That's all folks!

I really hope y'all enjoyed my first pm book.

(And definitely not my last. 😌)

Make sure to follow me to get more updates on when I might publish a new book/story/chapter!

But hey..


thank y'all ~

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