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That, for sure, definitely woke Amari up. With rage, Amari raises her arm but Zion holds it before it could come down with force upon Charlotte.

"What the hell is going on?" He says, pushing her hand down and stepping in between the two now equally infuriated women. Amari tries to push past the taller boy, disregarding how much stronger he is than her.

"We're about to fight." She growled.

"Not in this apartment. Charlotte," He directs his attention to the other girl, who is nearly in tears. "What is going on?"

"She slept with him. Backstabbing bitch!" She shouted, suddenly shoving Zion which startled him. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at her in disbelief.

"I know you just didn't push me," Zion looked down at her, scoffing. "Who do you think you are coming into my house, and beating on my roommate and shoving me?"

At this point, Zion was more angry than confused now. He already didn't like his neighbor, but his girlfriend is seemingly pushing over the edge as well. The fact that she walked into his apartment without full consent is irking him enough. He stood in front of Amari now, protecting her.

"I don't care, all I care about is beating this hoe's ass!" She shouted.

"Wait, you're saying she slept with Brandon?"


Amari's facial expression drops from confused anger to guilt. Brandon is a no good nobody.

She was only staring at his back, but by the way his back moved when he sighed, she could feel the disappointment.


"Z," She took a long pause as he turned around to face her, angling his head down. "Let me explain."

"Explain, please." The furious female budded in. "I wake up and he's just admiring some bright yellow undies that don't belong to me in our fucking apartment."

"He came onto me. Yes, I gave in but I hoped you checked Brandon out before coming and trying to start a fight with me," She leaned to the side to see Charlotte, who just glared.

"No. You two aren't about to fight in here." Zion points to the door. "Get out."

She storms out of the apartment, still looking for a fight. He then turns to the other woman, who had guilt written all over her face.

"Look at that, huh. That's what you've been doing with your 'friend' Brandon?" He asked, using air quotes.

"No. It happened once. And it wasn't even me, I was just—"

"Just what, Mari? Ruining relationships? Playing around with people I told you not to mess with?"


"What were you thinking? How long ago was it?" He says raising his voice. This slightly triggered Amari, causing her to snap back.

"Don't act like we're together or some shit or that you're any better than I am," Her voice was stern, but the hurt was hiding.

He stared at her for a moment, wearing a blank expression. Unimpressed. Unbothered almost. Although he was hurt, that was his mask. "I'm not going to be hypocrite, but I'm not a home wrecker. That's messed up.  So fucked up, man." There was a pause.

"And you know what?"


"I actually like you. I really, like you. I have feelings!" His voice increased in volume. "But now, I don't know."

"I do, too." She whispered.

Amari felt as if she'd just ruined something that was going to be great.  And he seems like he's the one to not give second chances.

She got anxious, her stomach doing backflips though she was standing still. "I was desperate and upset with you. We were just going to talk, but that bastard lied to me saying they were on a break, when she'd probably just left for the day. I just gave in. It's because of you."

"Don't blame me for shit," Zion says pointing at his chest.  "You did that on your own."

She rolled her eyes while also holding back tears. "I'm not. I'm just trying to explain my reason." Her voice cracked, as she couldn't look at him because of the look on his face.

He has a right to be reacting the way he is. He's attached to her in ways he can't even explain. Just to hear her doing that with another person messed with his feelings. It upset him more than it made him sad.

"I don't have the energy, Mari. Later," He turns his back on her. "Go out somewhere or something."

Her lip quivered as he shuffled back into his room, closing the door behind him with force.  She takes a big gulp of air, trying to stop the tears from flowing.

All she wanted to do was be on the other side of that door, laid up with Zion. Now that's probably not going to happen again. She is the only one she can blame. He was right, this time.


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